Friday, November 4, 2011

Hart's Square

Thinking about the good ole days

They just skinned a bear. Yeah right.

They loved the see saw. That was always my favorite thing to play on in school.

Breath taking all around!

A few weeks ago we got to go to Hart's Square with my mom and dad. We met Scott's parents there too. Scott had to work. Hate he missed it. It was an amazing place. Just simply beautiful. Owen and Noah said they would have liked to live back then but there would be no McDonald's. How funny. We saw the old Drum cabin which was my family on my moms side way back, heard some awesome music, and had a wonderful time looking in all the cabins and seeing how much things have changed. We watched them wash clothes by hand, pan for gold, and even churn butter. They surprised me by being excited and wanting to go in all the houses and see everything. (even the moon shine) So maybe they do have some of my genes since I love history. Some things now are great but still back then it was just simpler without all the hustle and bustle. We hope to go back again next year.

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