Sunday, November 27, 2011

A new Cannon Christmas Tradition


Sleigh ride with temps in the 60's and had a blast.

Mr. Brown and Buck

On Friday we took off to Boone on a new adventure. To get a real Christmas tree, pick it out, cut it down and bring it home. It was the best day ever. We went to Brown's Choose & Cut. It was a beautiful place up on a hill with spectacular views. Loads of trees and rolling hills. Just a dreamy place to be. So simple adn peaceful. The boys loved just roaming around and trying to find the perfect tree. You got to pick out your tree, yell, have someone saw it down and catch a ride with Buck hauling the trees. They were the nicest people there. Even all the people buying trees were super nice. We will go there every year. Mr. Brown is actually featured in Our State magazine. I can see why. Here's to a wonderful Christmas!!

Big Air in Conover





Scott found the boys a new place to ride in Conover. It is an old warehouse parking lot. We have gone there 4 times in the past week. They love it. They love to do tricks and jumps. We need a "real" bike park closer to home. They amaze us with their skill and their love of bikes. Noah is smooth like butter and Owen has really stepped it up.

Giving Thanks

The holidays have come and we are thankful for so many things. Most importantly we are all thankful for our entire wonderful family. We each made hand made turkeys and here are the things we wrote that we are thankful for:

Noah: Owen: Mom: Dad:
God Toys family job
Food House God family
House God health Jesus
family family love health
toys friends freedom Subaru

We have truly been blessed this last year with lots of time with our families, good health, tons of fun and love.

Friday, November 4, 2011

New do!!

Sexy..... Hotties....



Well we did it. We whacked off their locks. Noah has a faux mowhawk and Owen has spikes. It was tough but we owe Tracey all the credit. She did and awesome job!! I was worried and we had to battle but it all ended with some supper fly hair dos. We are all excited and looking like real 5 year olds. Manly men are now here. They told us today they want to stay 5 and we said awesome!! We love seeing their beautiful green eyes and their forehead that we haven't seen ever!!

Boo to you

Noah is the blue ninja costume and Owen in all black

Trunk or Treating at Concordia



The Face Off: Dragon VS Shadow

1st costume of the day. We wore these to pre-school. Owen is Pirate of the Caribbean and Noah is a swat man. We had to battle with Owen to wear the pirate costume but it was all dandy once he got to school and saw their friend Spencer in a similar pirate of the Caribbean costume. Spencer saved the day!!

We LOVE Halloween. As of yesterday we had 3 costumes which we will use for dress up. We did more trick or treating this year and didn't get to give any candy out. We went to Concordia and to L'Echo Park. They loved hopping out of the car and going up to peoples doors. They got so much candy. They had a party at school and got lots of treats there too.

Hiking around Wilson's Creek

It was so warm that day they could get in the creek. This particular part was cool. Can ya tell?


Part of Hunt Fish Falls

Dad and Owen. (Owen is daddy's boy)

Hiking at Hunt Fish Falls. It is 1.5 miles total. All downhill to the water fall and gotta hike back up.

Beautiful scenery even with strangers in the pic below.


We also went hiking and looking at the leaves the day after their b-day. Had a blast. They did great hiking. The camel backs have really come in handy. Not all of the leaves had changed but it still was beautiful and we had lots of fun spending time together out in the wild.....

Hart's Square

Thinking about the good ole days

They just skinned a bear. Yeah right.

They loved the see saw. That was always my favorite thing to play on in school.

Breath taking all around!

A few weeks ago we got to go to Hart's Square with my mom and dad. We met Scott's parents there too. Scott had to work. Hate he missed it. It was an amazing place. Just simply beautiful. Owen and Noah said they would have liked to live back then but there would be no McDonald's. How funny. We saw the old Drum cabin which was my family on my moms side way back, heard some awesome music, and had a wonderful time looking in all the cabins and seeing how much things have changed. We watched them wash clothes by hand, pan for gold, and even churn butter. They surprised me by being excited and wanting to go in all the houses and see everything. (even the moon shine) So maybe they do have some of my genes since I love history. Some things now are great but still back then it was just simpler without all the hustle and bustle. We hope to go back again next year.

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