Saturday, June 11, 2011

Beach Bums

My wonderful and amazing family

Broadway at the beach

Well we had a fantastic time at the beach. We will always have etched in our brain the first solo beach trip when we had to come back in less than 24 hours. Each year seems to get better and better. Sure we had a few spats and crying but they were pooped probably from going all day and night and going to bed after 10. We did everything we wanted and then some. We hit all our fav eating spots, swam, walked on the pier, chilled at the ocean,(for a very small amount of time) played putt-putt, shopped, rode go karts, rode rides, played games, got awesome tans, went crabbing and just enjoyed time with the 4 of us. I love our family vacations. We all dreaded coming home especially Noah and Owen. Scott and the boys make me one happy Mom and wife. They are growing up so fast and I treasure every minute we have with each other and look forward to the future. Thanks Scott, Owen and Noah for making it a fun and memorable trip. I love you all so so much!!

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