Friday, February 18, 2011

Just a few pics

Noah chugging a diet coke of mine....

Owen making some crazy face today

Owen and his tower that Maw-Maw Barbara helped built.

Noah looking thrilled while sporting some new shorts and his tower.
We have had a week of sickness at the Cannon Castle. Last Friday Noah got an ear infection and got some meds but the next day came this horrible never ending cough. Poor kid just laid around and was pitiful. Then Owen got the cough and there were several nights of bad sleeping but I think we are finally on the mend. They both had the coughs that sounded like they were either going to puke or choke to death. Scary!! Today we started feeling like our old selves thanks to the awesome warm weather. 70's in February. ?? It was enough to get us even more excited for spring and to take off our shoes for a few minutes and go bare footed. We are looking forward to an awesome weekend!!

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