Friday, January 14, 2011

Snow Again- No More Please!!

Well more snow came again on Monday. Thankfully not as much as last time. It at least got me off 2 days of work. I am and the boys are not snow lovers. We all like to sled but I have got my sledding feel for the year and am ready for warm weather. WE are beach bums! Apparently I am out of luck. We did sled a little until Noah got snow down his back and neck. Yesterday we wrote in the snow with food coloring. It didn't turn out all that great. We patiently await the warm spring coming up full of flowers, bike riding, playing outside until late, longer days, shorts and going bare footed. Those are the best.

1 comment:

Dr. Alfaro said...

You dont' think that snow writing is great? Your standards are too high! We did spray art - I never thought to attempt writing!

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