Friday, January 28, 2011

Wilderness at the Smokies- Tennessee

In the lobby at the hotel.

Penguins at the aquarium. They were cool. Here are our favs:
Owen=Sea turtle
Me= Sea dragon
Scott= octopus and all the fish!!

They get their animal loving form their daddy!

Playing in the huge wave pool. Huge waves would come ever so often and then it would be calm and start all over again. Owen loved it. We are some water lovers. That was one of my favs to do. There were some awesome slides too. They were super fast and went in and out of the park. Owen and Noah will have to grow a few inches to get on some of the slides. There was no waiting and hardly no one there. It was great to have it to ourselves.

Fireman Owen

Fire Chief Noah. We had to stop here and take a few pics since they love firemen and police these days.
Last week we went on a mini winter getaway to Tennessee. We were chomping at the bit to go swimming in the winter. We even had a calendar to count down the days. We had a lot of fun. Playing in the room, swimming, shopping, eating and going to the aquarium. It was weird swimming in the winter. Sure the indoor park was warm-84 degrees but outside it was in the 20's and 30's. The drive up and back was also beautiful with all the ice on the tops of the mountains. The boys did great too. It is always great to go and do anything as a family. We are lucky to have all the fun, memories and time we have together. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Noah touching a horseshoe crab.

Owen touching the horseshoe crab.

Hanging in the penguin tunnel.

Scott surfing and catching some waves. That was what he looked forward to for weeks. My old hubbie did great. Next stop Cali. Yeah right..

The kiddie area at the Wilderness. They loved the slide and climbing up all the stairs.

This is where 750 gallons of water is dumped. Watch out.

This is a pic from outside our room. This was on Friday when we left. It snowed overnight.

Ripleys Aquariun. We had a blast as always.

Rocking like some old men at Damon's.


My boys out in the cold.

Chilling in the lobby at the Wilderness at the Smokies with Woody and Buzz. We had to go to the Disney Outlet first off.

Lovin the slide



Friday, January 14, 2011

Snow Again- No More Please!!

Well more snow came again on Monday. Thankfully not as much as last time. It at least got me off 2 days of work. I am and the boys are not snow lovers. We all like to sled but I have got my sledding feel for the year and am ready for warm weather. WE are beach bums! Apparently I am out of luck. We did sled a little until Noah got snow down his back and neck. Yesterday we wrote in the snow with food coloring. It didn't turn out all that great. We patiently await the warm spring coming up full of flowers, bike riding, playing outside until late, longer days, shorts and going bare footed. Those are the best.

Lets get physical

Noah aka Darth Vader
Owen aka Chewbacca
We got a treadmill a few days after Christmas. I was dying since we couldn't go to the trail and walk and ride bikes. So now we can all get a little exercise. They love it and it burns off a little energy. I strategically places it near the TV so it will make the time go by faster.
We have also started liking Star Wars. I know nothing on this. Our favs are Darth and Chewbacca. They went to their cousins Christopher's b-day party-it was Star wars and they had a blast sword fighting in the basement turned into a galaxy.

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