Sunday, September 26, 2010

Last of the summer nights

My boys



We took these just a few nights ago. We tried to take a picture of the awesome full harvest moon. No luck. So we took pics of ourselves instead. Here they are making funny faces. Owen is looking like a rapper/beat boxer of some sort.
We had a crazy week. First a lady hit me (side swiped me) in my van. Not cool. I was just glad no one got hurt and the boys weren't in there with me. It is going to be aggrevating but at least I have a rental van and so far so good in regards to the other insurance company. It has gone smoothe. Then we went to pick up Owen and Noah's early birthday gift... a bmx bike. We got a real dela one and one of them wasn't working properly. It was hard to pedal. Scott thinks it is a loose bearing. So it is back at the shop. So we have one new bike. I hope next week will be better. We will see....

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