Sunday, September 26, 2010

A hike at the park in Hickory

Friday we took off that morning for a hike. It was a lot of fun. We walked a good hour. Owen and Noah got a little tired but were troopers. We went all over the place. Saw some great views of Lake Hickory and some deer. We love our Fridays off together as a family. We cherish all the time we have together as a family..

Last of the summer nights

My boys



We took these just a few nights ago. We tried to take a picture of the awesome full harvest moon. No luck. So we took pics of ourselves instead. Here they are making funny faces. Owen is looking like a rapper/beat boxer of some sort.
We had a crazy week. First a lady hit me (side swiped me) in my van. Not cool. I was just glad no one got hurt and the boys weren't in there with me. It is going to be aggrevating but at least I have a rental van and so far so good in regards to the other insurance company. It has gone smoothe. Then we went to pick up Owen and Noah's early birthday gift... a bmx bike. We got a real dela one and one of them wasn't working properly. It was hard to pedal. Scott thinks it is a loose bearing. So it is back at the shop. So we have one new bike. I hope next week will be better. We will see....

Dirt Bikers

It has arrived at our house. The first couple of days it was here they had to touch it every time they went out and they told everybody about it. They are proud of that Yamaha. even more they are hopeful that they will get one one day. It will be a long time if I have anything to do with it.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Labor Day

Owen, Christopher, Noah and Brie at the lake having a blast and getting the last tan of the season. A perfect snap shot by auntie Amy. It is one is a million.

Fishing with Paw-Paw James

Maw-Maw Barbara, Christopher, Owen and Brie walking the dock. Noah ended up with a splinter from it. That was probably where he was at this time.

Captain Noah headed out for the sea.
We went with Scott's family to the lake for Labor Day. We all had a great time. Good family fun is what we love!!!

Ninny's 90th B-day

In the back of Ivey's truck with Kristine and Aurora. They played with some clay and just loves being in the back of the cool truck.

Scott, Riley and Dylan. Owen and Noah have latched on to them and Owen says he is Dylan a lot. As a matter of fact he was Dylan on Thursday after seeing him cut a tree down. These kids have a vivid imagination.

Ninny. Owen and Noah picked out the candles. Always a must have at a b-day party.

Bradley sporting a cool helmet. He is one of their heroes. Also pictured is Buzzy, Ninny, Julie and Daddy before his big back surgery.

2 dorks

This is one morning about 7:30 a week or so ago. We rocked this cool get up on the first cool morning. Scott made them this dirt pile to play in beside their sand box. We hope it will keep them out of the one they made beside our patio. Better yet lets hope they don't bring in the nice red clay to the house.


This was the last pool swim of the year up at Bradley's. We truly hate to see the warm pool days go. They had the best summer in the pools at Bradley's and Kool Park. They became brave water animals. They weren't scared and jumped in like men. We will take swim lessons in the spring. So long summer hello fall. My favorite season!! Hence we got married in September and had 2 kids in October a year later. Let the party begin!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Discovery Place

They loved looking at the big City. I think they liked it hte best. They were amazed at all the tall buildings and hustle and bustle.

Petting an iguana. I did it too and it was cool.

Loved this area.

Last month we took a trip to Charlotte and went to Discovery Place. FUN. FUN. We saw all kinds of animals, science and building blocks. It had been a very long time since Scott and I had been there. We will be going back. Then we went to our favorite restaurant: Steak N Shake in Mooresville. Yummy. By then the kiddos were toast. Owen and Noah liked playing the drums that were made up of pots and pans and kitchen utensils. Day trips can be hard since they are always ready for their nap around 1pm but it is always worth it.

Hot Rods

We went to the Hot Rod Show in Newton. It was ultra hot but we had fun. We wanted to see them cruise bit we got there too early, it was hot and we had 4 hungry animals. WE also had an awesome cup of lemonade. Good times...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Noah: this kid is serious about getting a dirt bike.

Owen and his crazy pose.

I could not resist this crazy Kodak moment. They do have on boxers under there. Only these 2 crazy kids could pull this off. These aprons have come in handy cooking, doing art and building crafts with daddy.

Happy 39th Birthday Daddy

Scott looking cool yet sleepy. Nothing like getting up at 7am and kicking it.

On August 6th Scott had his 39th B-day. Wow!! The boys got him up first thing and did presents and cupcakes for breakfast. I made Scott's favorite: magic middles. mmm mmm good!! All Scott wanted was stuff for his new dirt bike. Which drove me crazy but we love him so much and he is so good to us we got him all his gear and helmet. We love all the memories we make each holiday, birthdays and everyday. I hope we have many more to celebrate. Next year will be Big!!

Skateboarding, bikes and neighbors

A few weeks ago Owen discovered he liked the ride his old skateboard. Following in dad's footsteps for sure. Owen really did well. He skateboarded down the hill and in the road. All with Scott by his side. They even chilled with our neighbors that the love: Brandon, Tyler, Jalen and Trae. Good times in the neighborhood are the best.

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