Sunday, July 25, 2010

In the mountains at Price park

2 monkeys

We went on our own creative trail. We got to play fetch with 2 cool lab dogs.


The Gang: Brie, Christopher, Owen and Noah

Looking for creatures...

Noah as Davis Beckham

Eating our fav chips. Maw-Maw brought some carrots too.

Noah playing soccer with dad.

Owen with the cicada Maw-Maw found. They are bug crazy. They make a good team. Noah is the one who catches or picks them up and Owen is the loving motherly one.
We had a great time at the park. They were not the best listeners b/c there was only a 15 minute nap. Other than them going out to far in the water w/o their swimmies and Scott jumping in and grabbing them it was a success. That scared us to death. I am terrified of water for many reasons. Too many bad things can happen. We made them be done with the water. they got very mad but we found other stuff to do.

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