Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Beach Lovers

Beach bums

Digging at dusk..

As we all know we love our bikes. So since we had the party wagon we took them.

Hanging out in the Atlantic Ocean...
Wow what a difference a year makes. We had an unbelievable good time at the beach. We went with Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw Cannon and auntie Amy. Thanks for a wonderful time. They boys weren't scared of anything. They did great all around. Sleeping was awesome. They slept together in a queen bed in our room. Didn't hardly get up for anything. We went non stop. They did get their daily naps. We swam, played in the ocean, shopped, ate, went to alligator adventure and just hung out. They didn't even want to leave. They keep asking us when we are going back. So we are all ready to go back anytime!!!

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