Saturday, June 26, 2010

Singing in the rain

Owen being Buzz Light year

This week were were blessed with some much needed rain. Since it wasn't a storm we went out and played. We danced and sat and stepped in some puddles and had a blast. When we went in there was a rainbow. Nothing like playing in the rain. I even had fun running around.

Catching Critters

Noah found a baby crawdad

Where we got married. It will be 6 years this September...

We love to go to the creek at aunt MattieBelle's and see what all we can catch. Last week we caught crawdads, tad poles in various stages and a frog. The frog was a big hit. We did let them go before we went home. They called then their friends and keep telling us they want a pet. Those crazy kids aren't afraid to touch anything. All we can do is a pet gold fish. There are no bites on that one.

#1 Dad

Gotta eat Popsicle's on a hot day after swimming

I think Scott had a great Fathers Day. He had to work that night but we had a good day. We went and got our bellies full at cracker Barrel with my parents and came home and let the boys swim. He got a new mtn bike helmet. Noah and Owen told him as soon as it came in the mail. No secrets here. We also made him two special gifts. I think he really liked them. I have been blessed to have Scott as my loving husband and an awesome dad to Noah and Owen. I also have a wonderful Dad and mom myself. It makes us reflect on all that we have been blessed with such as good health and a wonderful family (parents, in-laws, etc) to spend time with.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Beach Lovers

Beach bums

Digging at dusk..

As we all know we love our bikes. So since we had the party wagon we took them.

Hanging out in the Atlantic Ocean...
Wow what a difference a year makes. We had an unbelievable good time at the beach. We went with Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw Cannon and auntie Amy. Thanks for a wonderful time. They boys weren't scared of anything. They did great all around. Sleeping was awesome. They slept together in a queen bed in our room. Didn't hardly get up for anything. We went non stop. They did get their daily naps. We swam, played in the ocean, shopped, ate, went to alligator adventure and just hung out. They didn't even want to leave. They keep asking us when we are going back. So we are all ready to go back anytime!!!

Pool Junkies



These swimmies are AWESOME!! They love them and work great. They loved the Jacuzzi the best. I guess it is more their size. They weren't afraid at all of the water. They were swimming and jumping in like mad men. We were so proud.

One of my favorite beach shots.We were at calabash. Did some good eating. Especially chowed down on hush puppies. Yummy!! I am so blessed to have 2 wonderful boys and the best husband in the world. I love you all so much!!

Maw-Maw & Paw-Paw b/f going crabbing. No luck finding any.

We have a new love..... Boxers.. Sexy guys!!!

Noah with the cool view. We were on the 14th floor and could see everything. It was a awesome room and view.
Just a few random shots while at the beach.

Broadway at the Beach

Cool Dudes...

Noah at his best. Looks like a pro. I am in a corner with 3 boys all wanting dirt bikes.

Crazy Owen wanted to sit in the back. They had a lot of fun riding all the rides there. It was a relief that they did so well and had so much fun.

Alligator Adventure

Owen with the tortises

The first day we went to the Alligator Adventure. It was a cloudy start and then it got super humid. I think we all had a good time. They didn't ooh and ahh as much as we thought. We got to see tigers, albino alligators, birds, lemurs and all kinds of animals. Their main concern was the gift shop. Imagine that.

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