Friday, March 19, 2010

I've been thinking about a minivan

About a month ago we got our first family minivan ( mommy wagon). We absolutely love it!! We tried out a Toyota first and Owen and Noah cried and pitched a full blown fit b/c we didn't keep it. So we knew we had to get one. They went around saying I've been thinking about a minivan for weeks. We ended up with the Honda after some luck. The first week they had to get up and go play in it every morning and they didn't want me to take it to work. Crazy kids. That has passed and now we cruise around with the windows down, sun roof open and music blaring so they can dance. Some days the van can drive us nuts b/c they want to pack up the house, they drop the toys, or pushing all the buttons and opening the doors. I feel like and official "soccer mom"!! Thanks to my loving hubbie who makes all my dreams come true!!

1 comment:

Dr. Alfaro said...

I had NO IDEA you had made the switch! I think we may hold off a couple of years. The honda is what I'll get too. I'm proud of you for biting the bullet. Knowing that I could have a sunroof makes it seem a little "cooler".

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