Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Working Men

Owen looking engrossed in his thoughts.




We have been watching Imagination Movers and Handy every morning. Since we are such early risers. Well one day last week Owen said " I got a work job to do" and Noah said he needed a pencil behind his ear like Handy Manny. All I could do is laugh and help out. So I got some pencils and they got gloves, boards and tools. They are a hoot!! We treasure all the moments we have.


We got some new spring jammies last weekend and we had to put them on b/f washing them. Owen opted for the plane and camo combo and Noah got the muscle car. I was amazed they picked different ones and have not fought over them yet. Scott said Owen's looks like a grasshopper threw up all over due to the crazy colors. He is a nut. Gee, I wonder where the boys get it from???

Busted up

Last weekend was a rough one for Mr. Noah. He had 2 disastrous bike wrecks. He wrecked one afternoon right after Scott left for work. (going to fast and turning) That is the boo-boo underneath the chin. Then Saturday he wrecked at my mom's. Again he was hauling butt , hit a pile of leaves and landed on a stump that was barely seen and popped off his helmet. So those are to add to the one a month ago. I am constantly putting neosporin and mederma on it. He hates it but if I have to I will get plastic surgery. So far this week has been injury free. It is early though....

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Park




We rode like true champs the other week at the park without our training wheels. We tried tricks and rode a trail. The amaze us on these bikes. So many family memories will be made. Noah yesterday got a chin boo-boo. Looks like a big strawberry..

I've been thinking about a minivan

About a month ago we got our first family minivan ( mommy wagon). We absolutely love it!! We tried out a Toyota first and Owen and Noah cried and pitched a full blown fit b/c we didn't keep it. So we knew we had to get one. They went around saying I've been thinking about a minivan for weeks. We ended up with the Honda after some luck. The first week they had to get up and go play in it every morning and they didn't want me to take it to work. Crazy kids. That has passed and now we cruise around with the windows down, sun roof open and music blaring so they can dance. Some days the van can drive us nuts b/c they want to pack up the house, they drop the toys, or pushing all the buttons and opening the doors. I feel like and official "soccer mom"!! Thanks to my loving hubbie who makes all my dreams come true!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dad and the boys

This is yesterday afternoon. We loved going outside in the 65 degree weather and had to go barefooted and do some tricks with daddy. My mom and dad bought these cheap old bikes forever ago and they love them still. They are good for learning tricks. We hope this beautiful weather continues. Noah and Owen just keep making us smile everday....

Naked Noo-Noo's


We are official nudist. Sporting our Diego undies. Some nights we strip down at 6:00pm and it turns it up a whole new notch. We got our hair cut last weekend and I think it is the shortest ever. We love seeing those precious faces.

Nipper and Funny Faces

One afternoon during nap time. Paw-Paw James brought them this HUGE dog. They love him. It will be as close as they get to a real dog for a long time. They had to have him in their room anytime they slept for a few days. I couldn't;t even see Owen sometimes. That poor dog has lived a rough life. He has been jumped on and tackled to death!!

Funny faces. Raw talent here or just plain gross. You decide.....

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Murphy and Family

Chasing Murphy down

Last weekend we went to see Murphy the baby goat at Bradley's. He is the newest addition to the goat family. (Wilma, Willie and Gus)They love him. They are animal lovers for sure. I can't blame them. I held him and he was so soft and cuddly. We feed him bread and stepped all in goat poop. So glad we took out old shoes.

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