Monday, October 19, 2009

Party at the Creek

Such a serene picture. Right as the sun is going down

Scooters from Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw Donald

Tractors from Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw Cannon

Our awesome cake thanks to Myra K's cut ups

Roasting weenies with our hero Christopher

Coming down the goat path. This is the same path I walked down 5 years ago when Scott and I got married

On Saturday we had Noah & Owen's party down by the creek at Uncle Buzz and Aunt Mattie Belle's. It was so much fun. Nothing like roasting weenies on a cold day with family. We were a little scared it wouldn't happen due to the crazy cold and rainy weather. The fire pit kept us all warm. Noah and Owen got to run wild and play and feed Willie the goat. He was the main star by the way. We got to eat, open gifts, hit a pirate pinata, and even go on a tractor ride. That was the best. We want to thank all of our wonderful and thoughtful family for all you did. We love all of you and appreciate you dearly. Family means everything to us. Here's to another year of fun and much love!!


Couldn't resist putting these adorable close ups on the blog!!

Yippee... We're 3

Get ready, Get set, Go
Owen and a coloring book

Noah and his spider man slippers

We just cannot believe they are three. It is wonderful, scary, and so much fun all at once. We have endured challenges along the way but it has been so worth it. They just are growing into such fine young boys.
It is so hard to believe that 3 years ago on 10/16/06 I went to the hospital that morning and right after lunch I had 2 beautiful baby boys. God blessed and gave us the most rewarding gift ever. They bring such joy to our lives. I can't even remember life without them.
A few things they got from us were bikes, books, trucks and a road ripper 4 wheeler. We even let them pick where to eat lunch and of course it was McDon Don's. (McDonald's)
Owen and Noah we love you and are so lucky to have you in our lives. You fill our hearts with joy and love!!

Gravel Blaster

Biker Buddies


Our main gift for their 3rd b-day was the new bike. They were thrilled and very surprised. They were long due a new one. Yes, we wore out the even been talking about ditching the training wheels. They fear nothing on the bike. So now everyone had a blue bike but dad.

Friday, October 2, 2009

DInosaur Walk and shopping

Owen with a thumbs up at the outlets

Noah's thumbs up

Standing at the foot of T-Rex


My 3 dinosaurs
We went to the dinosaur walk as soon as we pulled in. We were a little disappointed but they had a good time. It was much smaller than we thought. Then we shopped and lured them with the 3 wheeler ride which they thought was just the greatest ever. It was wonderful to get away and have fun as a family. Love to make memories!!

Ripley's Aquarium



Here are few pics from the aquarium. They really had a good time. It was a lot of hands on for them. We saw sharks, catfish, stingrays, jellyfish and all sorts of cool stuff.

Let's Try it again..... Much Better

The Fam in front of the hotel. They had cool fall scenes all over the place.

Severe flooding!! Scared me into psycho panic mom. This is where we were the first evening at the aquarium. Our car was parked on the other side of the bridge. Needless to say we got out and across.



In front of the helicopter. Look closely there is a monster truck in the background that one day we will go ride.
Last Saturday we took off to try another overnight trip to Gatlinburg. It went much better. We went to the dinosaur walk, the aquarium and shopping. They seemed to love the hotel room. It was bigger than the beach and was dived into rooms and most importantly it had a jacuzzi which we all loved and got to enjoy together. (what a site) They went to bed fairly well and the worst problem was being kicked all night long but overall much more enjoyable. No crying even. I think Noah said one time he wanted to go home but he got over it thankfully.

First trip to the bike park



A couple of weeks ago we took our first trip to ride bikes at the park in Hickory. That is where Daddy goes and we all wanted to see him do some jumps. Didn't happen. It had just poured rain there. It wasn't raining at tall when we left our house but there was no turning back with 2 2yr olds. We had a blast anyway. They LOVED riding in the puddles. It did get rough at the end when Noah's bike stopped working. He had literally rode the wheels off. There is no traction on them and they have only had them 3 months. So we may be getting new ones very soon. I guess it will be a staple for all four of us to have bikes. I love it!! We will be back very soon on a cool sunny day!!

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