Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Easter 2009


These are the only poses we could get on Easter morning. Not bad all things considered. All we know is they looked cute as bunnies. We went to church and ate dinner at my parents house. We enjoyed all the family time we had.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


The Easter Bunny brought tricycles. No he isn't Santa but they definitely deserved them. They gave up their paci (only used it to sleep) 2 weeks ago so we thought that we be a great reward. My oh my we are so proud of them. They are growing up too fast. The first night was rough but they have done great. The only new "issue" is it is harder for them to go to sleep. They party in the bed for a while now before they take a nap or go to bed. They do not cry just talk and party. For instance tonight I was taking my bath and I heard paper being torn. Ran out of the tub and Noah had torn up his favorite book about dinosaurs. Oh well. They are such a joy. Owen is great a pedaling but Noah just could care less and loves going mach 10 by pushing with his feet. needless to say they love the bikes. We ride them multiple times a day so it is looking good for us to be in the X-games in about 12 years. HA!HA!

Various Stages of a Sugar Rush

Owen digging in after the egg hunt at Jeanie's
Noah happy as can be


By the time we got home they were GONE but Owen had a miracle awakening and would not take a nap. So around 3:30 he passed out. All we can say is that it helped.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A trip to Jeanie's w/ the Watson's

Chilling and just relaxing by the pond

The Men of the day

Ben and Owen with the long stick

My 3 favorite boys

On Saturday we went with our friends the Watson Family to Jeanie's house. We had the most wonderful time. Thanks Leah and Jeanie for letting us come. We had an egg hunt, picnic, saw horses and dogs. We just got to run wild and free. Please excuse the dressed down look since we had just had a ton of rain and we went out in the country.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dying Easter eggs and Playing outside

Yes, we are dying Easter eggs in the nude. My parents came down Sunday and brought a kit and they couldn't wait so we had to get started a little early. We had to take our clothes off so we wouldn't have dye all over us. Well, Owen took it to a whole new level and took off all his clothes. Diaper and all. As you can tell we would do well at a nudist colony. HA!HA! They ended up with dye on their hands, arms and tummy. It was fun nonetheless. They didn't understand you couldn't throw them.



Playing in the sandbox before the cold weather came. Enjoying the green grass and sunshine!!

We will be getting our hair trimmed on Thursday. Just mainly to get it out of their eyes. We are proud of our hair!!! Scott is just jealous!!

What up Suckers!! Thanks to Clara's b-day party. We went to the Watson's for Clara's 1st b-day party last weekend and had fun. The suckers were a BIG hit. Thanks Leah!!

Last Friday morning while Scott was sleeping we got down and dirty with some paint. We wrecked the table and had to take a bath at 9am. We had fun and thankfully all the paint is gone. Imagine that.

Pure blackmail for later in life. Noah is so gonna hate us one day.

Just chillin watching Dora the Explorer...

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