Sunday, January 25, 2009

Never a Dull momemt

This was last night. Look closely at the fry in the biscuit. Noah said it was a cake. I asked is it your birthday? Uh huh. How old are you? He said 2. Where they got their imagination I have no clue but it cracks us up!! I know I have no imagination and never have.

Owen hangin out in the tent. They have been putting all their toys in their or the bath tub this week. They just move all of them from one spot to another. They have been missing going outside this week since it has been so cold and yucky out. We did have a boo boo on Noah this week. They are into jumping on the couch which we have tried to curb but he did on Wednesday and I missed catching him b/c he was beside me and jumped towards me while I was reading to them before bed and hit the floor and hit the corner of a book. What a way to end the day. Injuries are a daily part of our lives.

After Sunday school today Noah decided to push Owen off the counch. Keep in mind they were both naked from making a mess at lunch and Owen bumped his butt on the lamp. Oh yeah and before church Noah hit Owen in the eye with a car. All we can do is laugh and pray. Boys will be boys!!!

Let it Snow

Here we are in our 4 wheel drive vehicles at 8am in the snow this past Tuesday. We just got a dusting but it went way better than last year.

Not bad for an early morning outing. We would love to see more snow. I guess that will have to happen in the mountains for us to build a snowman. We are just glad they didn't cry like last year. Yippee.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Dead Sexy on New Years Eve



There are no words to describe these 2 crazy pictures. They love to flaunt their legs and feet on the table and have us tickle them. Let's hope they don't go public with this. Scott and I had shrimp and they ate fish sticks with their favorite corn on the cobb. The night before we ate at Outback and they had fun there too. They even ate good. Let hope we all have a wonderful and blessed 2009. We cherish each and every day we have together as a family.

Rub a Dub Dub

We LOVE bath time. Noah's favorite thing to do is use the whale to toot. We videoed this night and he cackled forever it seemed like. Good family fun. They also love the colorful water- thanks to Vikki's Crayola bath time toy.

After Christmas

This is what we did all night at our after Christmas gathering with my family. Carried Mary and Jesus all around the place. They were wild!!

Owen (notice the drip)



We had a lot od fun at t he church playground. I loved the see-saw. We hope we can get some more outdoor play toys for the summer.

Auntie Amy's boots

All you can do is laugh at this one.

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