Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas at Maw-Maw & Paw-Paw Cannon's

Good times with family!! We had fun at Maw-Maw's on Christmas Eve. Owen and Noah have been sick now for 2 weeks. We went to the doc 2-3 times in4 days and they never did give us any antibiotics. So I am a little upset b/c I figure Owen wouldn't have had the ear infection if they did or it would have been less severe. Come to find out today Owen had an ear infection in both ears and may eventually need more tubes and they will also remove his adenoids. We took him to the ENT b/c he was oozing yellow stuff out his ear. Poor fellas have coughed and snotted FOREVER it seems. I have decided we will be sick on even number years since Christmas 2006 (they were 2 months) we had RSV. Then on Saturday I had to go to Urgent Care w/ an ear ache too. So lets hope and pray we are on the mend for 2009. All in all we had a wonderful time.

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