Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Not a Lot going on at the Cannon's

Noah: Look closely to see the eye injury



Chillin on the couch watching a Christmas Barney

Noah(AKA Blue Beard)

Not much has been going on here. The biggest thing of the week was Sunday evening Noah hit something (I think it was the leg of his back pack) and got a nice eye injury. It was red. I about died. He was tough as nails. He didn't cry nearly as bad as it looked. My first thought is he OK and then I was like will it be gone for pictures on Thursday. We have been doing a lot of coloring as you can tell with Noah's picture.
Also daily we let them go naked. It has to be their favorite thing. Well Sunday morning Scott let them go naked when he got home from work. He misses seeing it when he works b/c we usually do it at night before bath and bed. So Owen decided to leave us a present on the floor: It was poop. We laughed. We were glad it was hard and solid. So then I let them go naked before bath and Owen struck again. This time it dripped so to speak. I was a sweating cleaning it up and laughing at the same time. Boys will be boys and I love it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lots & Lots of Leaves

On Sunday we went to mom and dads and played in the leaves and ate supper.Grandpa took them for a ride in the trailer and they just ate that up. It was getting cold but they didn't care. They would run and jump into the 2 leaf piles. Owen wouldn't let us bury him I guess b/c he is our clean/neat kid. Who knows. We are going to go get hair cuts again in about an hour. They are long overdue for a trim.

The Cannon's one and only tree

Last week was very warm for November. Owen and Noah got to hang out a lot in their shorts and T's again. I love it. We got to play in the leaves from our one and only tree in the front yard. They had a blast. They even did some tricks on their bikes jumping into the leaves. We are X-games bound!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Weenie Roast 2008

What a magnificent weekend of family, fun, and friends. We had a weekend of partying. We had a great time at Mattie Belle's weenie roast. The boys did great!! They didn't even go near the fire. They absolutely LOVED the tractor!! They played on it and then uncle Buzzy took us on a hay ride. They were in awe!! All 3 boys (including Scott) loved Bradley's 4 wheeler.

Owen reading

Noah attempting to read
Just a few shots from this weekend. The boys love to read even before they take a nap. We got to play outside and enjoy the warm fall weather. I am so shocked that they posed together for those 2 pictures. They are not very cooperative when taking pics.

Halloween & Friends

Here are a few snap shots we git when we all went to Leah and Mark's house for Halloween. We met up with kristi, Alex and Ivy too for our annual Halloween extravaganza. We had fun as always. The boys were not thrilled about going trick-or-treating so we went and waited at Leah's. They went out like lights when we got home. Owen and Noah loved kissing baby Clara. They are "sugar daddies" for sure. Owen loves to give kisses. He even kissed a fire hydrant yesterday.

Happy Halloween says the Africanized honey bees


Halloween 2008 was pretty cool. We decided to do just 1 nap since there was so much to do and people to see. Well it kinda back-fired. Let just say 2 naps are a must. Anyway, Scott said they were Africanized honey bees. I guess it is more manly. They loved their costumes. They went around saying bee-bee-bee.

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