Tuesday, October 21, 2008

2 at 2


Can you believe they are 2 years old. Time has flown by and we are alive and kicking with 2 wild and wonderful boys. Last Thursday was thier b-day. That was a little rocky of a day. Noah was a little ill (all week) and we didn't get a whole lot of good pics. But they did manage to spread all of their stuff out over our living room as you can tell. They got Yo-Gabba-Gabba guitars which was their favorite gift. They love that show and so do we. We went out to eat at Texas Road house and that was an adventure. No one wanted a high chair or booster of course. They did eat salad and Owen killed a bloomin onion!! They have truely grown the past month or so. We are so proud of them!!! They are eating like real men and just having fun.


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