Monday, October 27, 2008

This past weekends events

Well he had a bike accident. Which is not a shocker when he is going down the side walk at 110mph it seemed like. Scott was behind him holding on but he crashed any way. We thought at first it was just a scrape on his elbow but at bath we noticed and injured ear and head. He is our injury-prone kid. He is tough as nails. Eat your heart out Dave Mirra. (We hope one day they will be in the X-Games)

Yesterday we carved some pump-pumps at Grandma and Grandpa's. They loved it when we lit them up.

We ain't scared


Yesterday we went and checked out these cool Halloween decorations beside Ninny's house. Owen and Noah loved them. They even helped redecorate Pauline's yard. It looks even cooler lit up at night. They are so excited for Halloween. They love all the scary stuff: bats, skulls, bones etc.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lots of B-day pics

Noah, Christopher, Brie, & Owen
The new sandbox. Thanks uncle Buzzy and aunt MattieBelle

Eating cake

Birthday Pics

Me and Noah
Sporting Yo-Gabba-Gabba


Our 2nd Birthday party

On Sunday we had their 2nd birthday party at the park in Rutherford College. It was all family. They even made it on 1 nap. Can you believe that??? We all had a blast I think. I know Owen and Noah did. Scott and I did too and we were pooped afterwards!! They got lots of cool stuff. We want to say Thanks to everyone for coming and all the gifts and for helping us out and being such a wonderful family!! Family and family time are the most important things to us and we hope we instill that to Owen and Noah.

The better half of thier 2nd b-day

Checking out the pump-pumps and Mr. Scarecrow


Night time fell and Noah did a 360. He was back to happy go lucky Noah. Thanks to the good Lord above!! We played in the front yard and threw balls in the barrel and then went in for their favorite Cupcakes!!! Let me tell you they love them and they say the word clear as day. We got a few cupcakes from Wal-mart and they were so tastey. We had them put dinosaurs on them. So they may be our new weekly treat. o all in all we had a great day!!

2 at 2


Can you believe they are 2 years old. Time has flown by and we are alive and kicking with 2 wild and wonderful boys. Last Thursday was thier b-day. That was a little rocky of a day. Noah was a little ill (all week) and we didn't get a whole lot of good pics. But they did manage to spread all of their stuff out over our living room as you can tell. They got Yo-Gabba-Gabba guitars which was their favorite gift. They love that show and so do we. We went out to eat at Texas Road house and that was an adventure. No one wanted a high chair or booster of course. They did eat salad and Owen killed a bloomin onion!! They have truely grown the past month or so. We are so proud of them!!! They are eating like real men and just having fun.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Starting October off with a bang

Owen (don't ask)

Eating like big boys outside yesterday

October so far has been AWESOME!! And why wouldn't it be with two great b-days coming up. Scott and I just can't believe they will be 2 on Oct 16. Time flies and it gets better and more fun every day. We have had a busy week going shopping, going to River Bend park (mommy didn't like it), Humane Society, pumpkin patches eating cookies & brownies and enjoying the weather. We have been blessed from the good Lord up above and are so thankful for our kids.

Pumpkin Patch

My oh my do we LOVE pumpkins!! Pumpkins and Barney sums up the Cannon household these fall days. We went to a pumpkin patch (at a church near mom and dads) this week and had a blast. All we hear was pump pump. Owen and Noah like to even keep them in the house. Not good conditions might I add for a real pumpkin. They tend to think they are like balls and roll them and drop them. They are rough on everything. Their vocabulary is taking off and expanding every day. Today's word was money. A great word by the way. So beware they may start asking for money in these great economic times. HA!! HA!!

This is after we went to the Humane Society. We have been doing very well eating all week. Hip Hip Hooray!! We thought this day would never come so I hoope it will be here to stay. They are chowing down on some Halloween cookies and playing outside at dark. We love this cool fall weather. Only downer is it gets dark early. Oh well.

Humane Society

This week we ventured out to the Humane Society. It was a fun trip in our Superman jammies. They got to see dogs, cats, and bunnies. They were excited especially to see all the kitties which they will NEVER have!! The dog pictured above is one that Scott wanted to take home but we have enough to take care of right now. But I would have let him if they were a little bit older. We will definitely be returning.

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