Friday, August 8, 2008

Da-Da's 37th B-day


On Wednesday we celebrated Scott's birthday. We had an amazing day. Scott said it was the best yet!!! We opened presents first thing, went to 4 Peas and a Pod with Scott's parents and aunt, took the boys to the YMCA swimming, then went to my parents and played and ate supper. Owen and Noah got to play with lots of family too while we were there. They especially had fun playing with Kristan and Kristine. Owen and Noah also got an early b-day gift: a climber and a slide from my parents. So far it has been a big hit!! They did great in the pool. We were so proud of them.

1 comment:

Vikki said...

Glad the birthday was such a hit!! I always cannot wait until I am going to see the babies so they can wet me in the shower!! Such a joy!!!

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