Sunday, August 24, 2008

A week of Fun

Riding th mow-mow
Owen at McDonald's on the playground
Noah and Ben
Noah ya-hoo

We had a great week while Scott was off. We had the parade, mowing, went to McDonald's 2 times to play. Once by ourselves and once with the Watson Family. That is their new favorite thing to go do. We also walked or chased the wild ones around the Square in downtown Hickory yesterday evening. Mommy and Daddy are now tired but love every minute that we have with them.

Old Soldiers Reunion Parade

On Thursday we went to Leah and Mark's house to watch the parade and had a blast!! Owen and Noah's favorite were the Shriner's Gator tractors, all tractors and the horses (neigh-neighs). They even got to pet the horses. They love animals. We had lots of fun, good friends, and good food!!

Last Friday Brie and Christopher got to come and play with the boys and had a great time.

This is after nap time and we are drinking some juice. Their favorite drink by far is milk. They love it and I guess that is why we have not had any broken bones yet. Go calcium!!!


Just a few pics of the Owen and Noah playing outside. That is what we have been doing a lot of since it has been nice weather for August.

Friday, August 8, 2008

This morning at 7:45am


Last night was a rough one. Noah was up on and off all night with a belly ache from corn. We will be laying off the corn for a while but we survived and kicked it this morning. We ate breakfast outside since it was so nice out. We have had an awesome week this week. We have spent lots of family time together going and doing special things which is the greatest. Our boys mean the world to us and we are thankful for each and every day we have as a family.

Da-Da's 37th B-day


On Wednesday we celebrated Scott's birthday. We had an amazing day. Scott said it was the best yet!!! We opened presents first thing, went to 4 Peas and a Pod with Scott's parents and aunt, took the boys to the YMCA swimming, then went to my parents and played and ate supper. Owen and Noah got to play with lots of family too while we were there. They especially had fun playing with Kristan and Kristine. Owen and Noah also got an early b-day gift: a climber and a slide from my parents. So far it has been a big hit!! They did great in the pool. We were so proud of them.

Crazy Kids

Just hanging out drinking some milk with our tatoos on our belly

Price Park

Last Friday we took the boys to Price lake and park in Blowing Rock. All in all we had a good time. It was a rough trip though. Owen didn't get much of a nap on the way up maybe 10 minutes. He woke up on 321 and saw a tractor and it was over then. Noah got maybe 30 minutes of sleep. We did get them some cool clothes for fall at Osh Kosh and then we got Woodlands BBQ and went to the park. They were already ill and would not listen for nothing. They didn't eat but they might have been b/c they killed some chex mix while shopping and there was too much to do. It went well at first until a lady saw a snake where we were hanging out in the water and then it went down hill fast. But we had some great family time anyway. We even saw some craw fish. We will try again much later. As in next year.

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