Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Well we made it to the beach at 11 1/2 months. The boys had a blast. They loved the ocean and pool. They did awesome the entire time. We only had one minor problem. We went shopping and had 2 diaper mishaps. They peed all the way thru the diaper, their shorts, and the stroller. For one we forgot to put in more diapers in the bag (we had one) and there was also no good place to change them. They slept almost the whole way down and back. We are so proud of them.
While we were there we went to the ocean, the kiddie pool, and the lazy river. We ate a little sand and drank a little ocean water but that was expected. We ate out a lot, shopped, and hung out with the Cannon family. We ate some delicious fish at Calabash. The boys ate some hush puppies. Yummy!! We also ate at TGI Fridays and Hamburger Joe's. Hamburger Joe's is one of our favs.

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