Owen and Oskar in the tourney
Some serious ballers here.
Noah was #12
Owen was #99
Noah and coach Derrick
The team
Shaking hands after the loss on Sunday...
We have played our first regular spring season of coach pitch baseball. They had a blast and are awesome baseball players. They played for Startown and their team was the Thunder. Their coaches were the best. Coach Sweet, Coach Derrick and Coach Beau. They helped give us the best experience. Noah is our 3rd baseball with an amazing throw especially to 1st base. He has an arm. Owen was our pitcher position. The kid is fast! He loved to run the other team players down and tag them out. He still does it but we are working on throwing the ball for an out.. It will be a while... HA. HA. The above pics are all from the tournament at the end of May. We came in 3rd place. We were on a winning streak during the tourney. We had a rocky start but kicked butt fast. Those champs played 3 games in 1 day. So So proud of the whole team.I loved going to watch them, helping out in the dug out, meeting new kids and parents and learning about the game. It was unreal at the improvements that were made from the start to the end. So now we are on the All-Star team. Go Team Cannon!!!! Scott and I are still pumped up on how good they are doing. It is a big tourney staring July 5-10. We have learned a lot again. So wish us good luck next weekend. And we will be playing fall ball too......