We have to come up with ideas on what to do on these cold nasty days of winter. We love to paint. As we see we are showing some brotherly love.
2 Goons
Owen- Check out the cool cut near the eye from being wild with the tupperware toy holders. Only here.
We have been trying to work with the boys on their ABC's. There is no interest there. They are smart boys but if it doesn't have anything to do with bikes, dirt bikes. or ramps then just give it up. So we bribe them with prizes or treats. Still a very s-l-o-w process. But we keep hope alive. So this week we gave them a balloon each. As you can see we made big bellies out of them. They said they were Street Bike Tommy from Nitro Circus.
They are growing so much each and every day. Doing things like bathing themselves, talking our heads off or growing out of their pants. We've had some rough spells (of sleep issues getting up numerous times at night and waking up super early as in 5:30am-6:30am. Not cool.) and fighting and hitting. Just brotherly tiffs I guess. Doing better now. But they are also growing so close. They play together, tag team us, and say I want my Owen or I want my Noah. I just hope and pray that they will always be the best of friends.
Even though they wake us up so early and make us mad when they hit we love them more than anything in the world and are so glad to have each and every moment with them. They are our little rays of wild sunshine.