Monday, September 16, 2013

Summer High-lights

Dad's 42nd b-day. They picked out a Sk8 and Vans cake that was rich and yummy. He had a great b-day full of love.
 Hanging in front of the police station for the Old Soldiers Reunion parade.

 Both sets of Grandparents got to come and enjoy the parade. The weather was awesome!! Saw cool hot rods, friends, had some lemonade and cool army vehicles.

 Noah at the Denver  bike park.
 Skating at the best park ever. Myrtle Beach!! North Shore/ Stability skate shop. We go as may times as we can while we are there.

 Taking swim lessons at Conover pool
 Couldn't make it back to the hotel to change so we pulled over and jumped in the ocean. It was so much fun watching them. We had to go back 1/2 naked because we did not have any extra clothes.
 Owen at the Denver bike park
 In the evening on the Cherry Grove pier. We saw lots of baby sharks being caught. A lady almost had a huge shark but it broke her line. We were pulling for her. We love to go to the beach. We play, shop, ride and have so much fun as a family,
We made the All Star team for baseball. So So excited. These are some great ball players. I have more pics to post. We are now in fall ball. Our favorite things to do are ride BMX and play baseball.