Sunday, August 18, 2013

Kindergarten complete

 Last day of school on May 24, 2013
1st day of school in Aug 2012

My what a difference a year makes. They have learned so much, grown so much and changed so much. They met some great friends (Oskar, Aspen, Sydni, Logan) and made awesome grades. They were at the top of their class in everything. Owen is a great reader and Noah has the best hand writing ever. We couldn't be more proud! We hope first grade goes as well. We will see in one week....

Field Day

Found these old pics too of field day.  The did races, dumped water on Mrs. Surratte,  played duck duck goose and many more games. Their class did awesome in the tug of war. Came in 2nd!! It was a day full of fun, warm sun, snacks and fun. I volunteered and enjoyed every minute of it.

Mrs. Surratte

I found this pic on my phone. It is either the last day or somewhere near it of the boys and the greatest teacher ever: Mrs. Surratte. She gave them the best year ever. I cannot begin to tell you what an excellent teacher she was and how much we will miss her!! She taught them so much and helped them grow.

Hiking at Wilson Creek

 Back in June they went hiking with their friend Oskar to Hunt Fish Falls at Wilson's Creek. It was a boys only trip. They had a lot of fun. Only 1 close call. Noah just about sat on a snake. So not cool.
 Catching creatures!!