Saturday, May 11, 2013

Kindergarten Trip to Lazy 5

 Their class. Mrs. Surratte is the best teacher ever!!!
 In our group was Noah, Sebastian, Owen and Oskar
 Noah and Oskar waiting on the wagon ride.
 Each of them got a bucket of feed. Couldn't resist this shot of Owen and the horses butt.
 Who could resist this snap shot.. Those things were gross. Snot everywhere
 At the end of the ride before they ate ice cream and went home.
 Owen and Logan. Owen fed animal he could and he was out of food rather fast.
Noah and Oskar

Last Friday we went to the Lazy 5 Ranch in Mooresville. We had a blast. Scott even took the day off to go. It was a cold day for May. We saw lemurs, camels, goats, giraffes and many more. We cannot believe the year is coming to an end. As of this Monday, they only have 9 days left. The year has flown by and been nothing but wonderful.