Monday, September 16, 2013

Summer High-lights

Dad's 42nd b-day. They picked out a Sk8 and Vans cake that was rich and yummy. He had a great b-day full of love.
 Hanging in front of the police station for the Old Soldiers Reunion parade.

 Both sets of Grandparents got to come and enjoy the parade. The weather was awesome!! Saw cool hot rods, friends, had some lemonade and cool army vehicles.

 Noah at the Denver  bike park.
 Skating at the best park ever. Myrtle Beach!! North Shore/ Stability skate shop. We go as may times as we can while we are there.

 Taking swim lessons at Conover pool
 Couldn't make it back to the hotel to change so we pulled over and jumped in the ocean. It was so much fun watching them. We had to go back 1/2 naked because we did not have any extra clothes.
 Owen at the Denver bike park
 In the evening on the Cherry Grove pier. We saw lots of baby sharks being caught. A lady almost had a huge shark but it broke her line. We were pulling for her. We love to go to the beach. We play, shop, ride and have so much fun as a family,
We made the All Star team for baseball. So So excited. These are some great ball players. I have more pics to post. We are now in fall ball. Our favorite things to do are ride BMX and play baseball.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Kindergarten complete

 Last day of school on May 24, 2013
1st day of school in Aug 2012

My what a difference a year makes. They have learned so much, grown so much and changed so much. They met some great friends (Oskar, Aspen, Sydni, Logan) and made awesome grades. They were at the top of their class in everything. Owen is a great reader and Noah has the best hand writing ever. We couldn't be more proud! We hope first grade goes as well. We will see in one week....

Field Day

Found these old pics too of field day.  The did races, dumped water on Mrs. Surratte,  played duck duck goose and many more games. Their class did awesome in the tug of war. Came in 2nd!! It was a day full of fun, warm sun, snacks and fun. I volunteered and enjoyed every minute of it.

Mrs. Surratte

I found this pic on my phone. It is either the last day or somewhere near it of the boys and the greatest teacher ever: Mrs. Surratte. She gave them the best year ever. I cannot begin to tell you what an excellent teacher she was and how much we will miss her!! She taught them so much and helped them grow.

Hiking at Wilson Creek

 Back in June they went hiking with their friend Oskar to Hunt Fish Falls at Wilson's Creek. It was a boys only trip. They had a lot of fun. Only 1 close call. Noah just about sat on a snake. So not cool.
 Catching creatures!!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Startown Baseball

Owen and Oskar in the tourney

 Some serious ballers here.
 Noah was #12
 Owen was #99

 Noah and coach Derrick
 The team

Shaking hands after the loss on Sunday...


We have played our first regular spring season of coach pitch baseball. They had a blast and are awesome baseball players. They played for Startown and their team was the Thunder. Their coaches were the best. Coach Sweet, Coach Derrick and Coach Beau. They helped give us the best experience. Noah is our 3rd baseball with an amazing throw especially to 1st base. He has an arm. Owen was our pitcher position. The kid is fast! He loved to run the other team players down and tag them out. He still does it but we are working on throwing the ball for an out.. It will be a while... HA. HA. The above pics are all from the tournament at the end of May. We came in 3rd place. We were on a winning streak during the tourney. We had a rocky start but kicked butt fast.  Those champs played 3 games in 1 day. So So proud of the whole team.I loved going to watch them, helping out in the dug out, meeting new kids and parents and learning about the game.  It was unreal at the improvements that were made from the start to the end. So now we are on the All-Star team. Go Team Cannon!!!! Scott and I are still pumped up on how good they are doing. It is a big tourney staring July 5-10. We have learned a lot again.  So wish us good luck next weekend. And we will be playing fall ball too......

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Kindergarten Trip to Lazy 5

 Their class. Mrs. Surratte is the best teacher ever!!!
 In our group was Noah, Sebastian, Owen and Oskar
 Noah and Oskar waiting on the wagon ride.
 Each of them got a bucket of feed. Couldn't resist this shot of Owen and the horses butt.
 Who could resist this snap shot.. Those things were gross. Snot everywhere
 At the end of the ride before they ate ice cream and went home.
 Owen and Logan. Owen fed animal he could and he was out of food rather fast.
Noah and Oskar

Last Friday we went to the Lazy 5 Ranch in Mooresville. We had a blast. Scott even took the day off to go. It was a cold day for May. We saw lemurs, camels, goats, giraffes and many more. We cannot believe the year is coming to an end. As of this Monday, they only have 9 days left. The year has flown by and been nothing but wonderful.

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