Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A dusting of SNOW!!

Noah catching a flake

Owen preparing a snow ball

Snowball fight...

Well we finally got a few snow flakes to fall on Sunday. We were riding on Friday in the 60's and by Sunday late afternoon snow fell. We got just enough to go out and play for about 30 minutes. We will take what we can get. Scott had to work but me and the boys had fun. We chased each other and threw a fell snowballs and Noah and Owen got on the trampoline with the snow. They thought that was the best. Just wish we had enough to sled or make snow cream. Maybe next time.....

Jump Park



Owen on the rail

Noah on the rail. He kicks butt on that. Scott is going to attempt to build one here at the house.

Me and Owen

On Saturday we went to the jump park in Hickory. As always we had fun. That is my favorite place to go. I love to watch htem do the jumps and we can ride trails. Scott and I are so amazed that they can ride the rail at age 5. We hope to do a little BMX racing this year in Winston.

Winter Smores

Owen in true Owen form

Noah with a hot marshmallow

Who would think that in mid February we could go out and roast some marshmallows. We are Conover's finest. They sure were good. We even flicked the duds in the trees.

Pee Wee's






Last Friday we all went to Lincolnton to Pee Wee's to ride. I got to go since I am now the proud owner of a rad helmet. Thanks to my awesome hubbie I got one for V-day. It is gray and purple. Woo-hoo. We all had fun there. The boys did great. We rode trails and they jumped. I love that we get to ride and have fun as a family. I am so lucky to have these 3 awesome boys. As soon as we got there Owen and Noah both pooped on the trail. We have learned to carry wipes. We are great fertilizers. Just call us to help. HA!HA!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Tonight we grilled steaks, had bake potatoes and our cake for our v-day dinner. Delicious. Noah and Owen made some cute V-day boxes at school and got a ton of Valentines . Their friends that they are always talking about are Spencer, Andrew, Gavin, and Ethan. Noah has a girlfriend there. Her name is Caitlyn and she is a very pretty blonde. She even likes Star Wars. He said he wants her to come over. Wow. Already at 5. Gees.. Owen still says his girlfriend is Taylor from church. They both have great taste.

Happy Valentines Day



We got them angry bird shirts, candy, more star wars junk and another BMX ramp to play on inside. So I would say they racked up. One day we will come into the century and get a phone or tablet or something with angry birds on it.

Noah icing his cupcakes.

Owen icing his with his tongue out. That means business!

We made cupcakes and a heart shaped cake for Scott last night and ate a lot of icing. It is so much fun doing these things with them.

Making Valentines

Owen's to Dad

Noah's to Dad

Owen working on his Valentine's

Noah working on hid V-day cards.

They worked super hard on their Valentine cards for school and for the family. They each wrote their names and all their classmates on their cards. (15) It took a while but we prevailed.

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