Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cannon's on vacation

We had a wonderful mini vacation on Sunday-Tuesday at the Wilderness at the Smokies in Tennessee. It rained a little but we had a blast again. They could do almost all the slides and didn't get too tired. We shopped, ate and swam a bunch. My parents even got to come up for 1 night and we were glad. We even ran into my neighbor when we got there. Too funny!! We will go back again next year. We are blessed to have so much time together and wouldn't trade for the world.

Noah's favorite

This is having fun!!! Never seen him so happy and excited.

Noah was pumped on the big water slide. They were tall enough this year to do everything but 1 ride. He and Scott did this over and over. Couldn't slap the grin off his face. He is our thrill seeker/extreme sport kid. Owen and I rode it a few times too. I was scared to death b/c the first time I was the one going backwards. Scarrrryyyy. Scott laughed at me and he could tell by the look on my face that I was terrified. Had the death grip on those handles!! Then I went facing forward and it was fun. Owen liked it but not as much as Noah.

Wave Pool

We all 4 had a ton of fun in hte wave pool. Noah and Owen rode the waves like champs. Strong like their Daddy. I think this was Owen's favorite thing to do.


Noah and me loving the slide. Man it is a hike up a lot of stairs but so worth it!

Chillin out on our balcony w/ almost 70 degrees in the TN mountain is January.

After eating my favorite shaved ham sandwich.

Drying off before going in.

They loved this area of the park. We could watch them and they could "play by themselves". They even made a friend.. A girl of course. They all 3 chased each other and went down the slide.

WIlderness at the Smokies

2 cool swimmers having fun



This was perfect for Noah. He loves snakes. This was a pool we didn't get to use last year and they even remembered a little bit from their swim lessons a year ago. We took their swimmies but couldn't use them so we got to use the life jackets.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012



We got bored last weekend. So we had to make the living room into a Wipeout zone. They love to watch winter wipeout. Not exactly my smartest or safest idea but we had a blast and no one got hurt. We got blankets and pillows from everywhere, cranked up some tunes and partied all while Scott was asleep.

Then we had to chill out and eat some popcorn.

Sumo wrestling on the trampoline. They called the balls in their bellies petunias. Who knows.... All we know is that spring/summer cannot come soon enough. We miss the long days, jumping until dark, swimming, walking/riding the trail in Newton w/ Maw & Paw Cannon, riding bikes and not freezing, and playing outside at Maw & Paw Donald's or just anywhere.

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