Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas at my parents

Some crazy Cannon's...

We didn't have to hurry home from my parents this year. Last year it snowed. We had a great time there too. Ate too much food. Mom made my shrimp stuffed baked potatoes. We are thankful for the time together and the goodies we received. Family means everything to us and we hope we instill the importance of family with Owen and Noah. I hope they will always be the best of friends. Even though they fight we know they love each other adn have each others back. Mess with one then ya mess with both!!

Christmas Morning... He did come

These are the presents they went shopping for and picked out for each other. Picked out the exact same thing. How crazy is that. The twin thing kicked in.

Rock out dudes...

Noah jamming on the drums that Santa left

Owen strumming a tune on the guitar Santa left

Owen and his WWE cage

Light sabres. They are still working and in one piece. No injuries yet.

We had a wonderful Christmas again this year. We actually didn't tear everything open all at once. Yeah! Noah got up at 1:45am again at 2:30 and finally a little after 6:30. We held them off until 7am. Poor kids. They got drums, guitars, wresting stuff, hats, games, watches, guns and too much other stuff. We were blessed again this year. Plus we were not sick. Each Christmas gets better. They are growing so fast. We treasure each moment we have with them and are so lucky to have them and our cozy little family full of joy and happiness. Noah and Owen just fill us with love, joy, excitement and bliss.

Christmas at Scott's parents

Loving on auntie Amy

Maw Maw Barbara and Paw Paw James



And we are off...

We went to Maw Maw Barbara's on Christmas Eve. We had a great time and got some cool treats. We are thankful for the good times and memories. We are lucky to have such great parents and grandparents on both sides!!


We went to see Ninny on Christmas Eve morning. Sure glad we all got to go. She really looked good especially with her nails painted. I don't think I have ever seen her with them painted. I think the boys had fun driving their hot wheel cars on her. We love Ninny!!

Early Christmas FUn

Noah after making cookies. This kid LOVES icing. Can ya tell?

Owen and his prize winning cookie.

Flour explosion!! Flour, dough and sprinkles were everywhere.

Vik-Vik was in town. Yippee!!

Partying hard at El Paso with Vikki!!

We did our annual holiday traditions again this year. Making and decorating sugar cookies with hte help of Pillsbury dough. We even left a few for Santa. We got to do all our traditions but do a carriage ride. Scott worked most weekends and the boys were sick some too. We will do it next year.

Also, my best friend Vikki came thru town and we got to see her. Owen and Noah call her Vik Vik.
We were all so glad to see her. We miss her so much. We got to eat at El Paso and hang out for a minute at her hotel where the boys went wild in her cool room. They want to love there. HA! HA!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Play

Our 2 little Shepherd's looking over baby Jesus.

Noah doing his crazy look. He said the lights were bright.

Rock on before the play

On December 9th we had our first debut as actors... They did a great job. They didn't have to sing or say anything but did so well. Got on and off stage and turned when they were supposed to. Especially for Owen who missed 2 days of practice b/c he was sick w/ an ear infection. All the kids did so well and were so well behaved. We were all impressed. The church was beautifully decorated for the joyous season. Paw-Paw James videoed it and he told the boys later that they were on TV and they said they were "famous". My were are in for it.

Sunday, December 11, 2011



We took our family Christmas card pictures at my aunt Mattie Belle's ( where it all began 7 years ago) this week in the cold drizzling rain and to our surprise we all got sick a few days later .But we got our picture and cards mailed out!! Owen led us off with a cold that turned into an ear infection which caused his ear to rupture on Friday. (scary with blood coming out) Noah the past 2 days has a cold or something and has done nothing but sleep and a little puking and Scott and I both have colds or sinus infections. Plus Friday was their Christmas program which we did make and it was wonderful. So we are hoping for a much better week coming up. We have lost time on doing Christmas activities and shopping and hope to make it all up this week.

Ho! Ho! Ho!



We went to see Santa at the mall the other week. He was not the most personable Santa but we got a pic and that is all that counts. They want light sabres, WWE stuff, a bat cave, samurai castle and everything else you can think of. We keep telling them they better be good or Santa won't come. Yeah right..

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