Sunday, October 24, 2010

Party down at Buzzy & MattieBelle's

2 at 4!! Still shocking a week later. Who knew we could survive. It has been such a blast and a blessing. We are just so lucky to have them in our lives. They bring so much joy. (and stress that is all worth it)

Maw-Maw Cassie and the boys

Going on a hayride with uncle Buzzy in the drivers seat, Maw-Maw Barbara, Brie, Christopher, Amy, me and Scott

Noah and his new best buddy: Bradley!! They rode the 4 wheeler all around.

Owen whacking the pinata.

Noah opening presents

Noah, Owen and their hero Christopher

We had their 4th b-day on the other side of the creek this year. We struggled with where to have it and a theme. We decided on bikes and skateboards since those are 2 things they love. Which the cake and cupcakes were awesome. Debbie did an awesome job. Noah and Owen just couldn't wait to open presents. These kids get presents all year long. Spoiled!! We had a great time with the family. We love it when we can all get together. We want to say thanks to everyone for the cool birthday gifts and a special thanks to MattieBelle and Buzz for letting us party again at the creek. We all had a blast as always.
Owen and Noah we love you with all our hearts. We are thankful for each day we have with you and look forward to many more birthdays to come.

More b-day Pics

Me and my buddies with our cool sign.

Sporting the GT bikes

Owen is jumping on this air hog rocket we got. We have used it a lot. Scott and I even have fun with it.

Happy 4th Birthday Owen & Noah

We got the living room ready the night before. We blew up lots of balloons. We held them off from 6:30am until 7:15 and the present opening had to begin. They were so excited. They kept asking when could they open presents and would they be 4 the rest of the day.



Getting down and dirty with all the gifts and mess. Their main present was the bike. They got lots of books, CDs, bmx toys, firetrucks, cranes and way too much stuff. I figure they are the only 2 so go big or go home.

Noah as a one eye monster

This was took on birthday Eve. It was the last picture taken when they were 3yr. It was hard to say good bye to 3yr but we will welcome 4 with open arms. It is a little sad. They are growing up on us way too fast. We have so many treasured memories and I know many more are to come but we just love them so much especially at this age. 3 started off rocky but it has been a blast. We love to wake up each day (after hearing screams for milk) and seeing what the day holds. I told them we will stop them at 4yr and Scott and I will stay 33 and 39. Sounds like a plan to me.

Monday, October 18, 2010


We went to the Asheboro zoo a week ago with Maw-Maw Barbara and Paw-Paw James. We had a great time. We forgot our tickets from Commscope but Scott at least remembered them in Statesville. Better late than never. We loved the polar bears, seals, lemurs and all the animals. Noah got a stuffed lemur and Owen a flamingo from the gift shop. Cannon' kids can't go home empty handed. HA!HA! Scott and I are just lucky to be able to spend time and go go go with the boys as much as we do as a family. In the words of The Roots: Love Love Our family. That's their new favorite song. (Off the Yo Gabba Gabba CD)
I will post some of their 4th b-day pics this week. So stay tuned........

GT Bikes

We ended up getting these 2 extreme kids new GT BMX bikes for the birthday. We gave them early b/c theirs was on borrowed time and to enjoy the awesome fall weather. (Owen 's tire blew yesterday on the old one) So a few weeks ago we took the plunge and got 2 bikes. It started off rocky b/c Owen's bike wouldn't pedal right but they fixed it and we have been kicking it ever since. We got a much bigger bike. A 16 inch from a 12 inch. So we are on bike #3 in 2 years. This is hopefully a keeper. I was a worry wort since they were bigger but these gnarly kids have no fear and really no problems with it. They can't do tricks yet like on their old one but it is coming. Basically they can't jump it yet. But give it a little time and the tricks will be here. Owen and Noah we are so proud of you!! They are just like their Daddy!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dirbikers at Casa Cannon

Scott just had to get out the dirt bike this week or he was going to bust. So that meant Owen and Noah had to take a ride. So we were true rednecks and rode around the house. They thought that was just the greatest. They are just like their daddy. They are always extreme!! That's what makes our lives so exciting and non-stop.



Last weekend we took a trip to Asheville to the WNC Nature Museum. It was a great place. We had awesome weather and a lot of fun. My favorite animal was the bear. Owen and Noah liked it too and the peacock. We even went to downtown but the boys passed out so we didn't get to walk around. We couldn't believe how cool it was.

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