Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Last week we took the boys to Clyde Campbell Elementary School to ride on the track. (check out the killer Tarheel jerseys) They did well but it just wasn't their thing. Not enough excitement apparently. They are Jaycee park kids. We have to have trails and BIG jumps. That's our boys. But they had fun anyway and we got to use the new camera. Works like a dream. We also ran onto my boss and his little girl. They thought she was pretty.
Crazy Noah yesterday made Scott take off the training wheels. Low and behold he did ride for 3-5 seconds all by himself. We will be training-wheel-less soon. They make us so proud each and every day. Of course they drive us nuts too but that is their job.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Renaissance Festival

Ahoy there mate....

Yes, This is Noah on a camel at the festival. Looks a little scared huh?? But he loved it and is still talking about it.

Yes again, this is our child Owen on an elephant with auntie Amy. Her name was Judy. They both loved the animal rides. We are still in shock that they actually rode a real elephant and camel.

Noah sitting on some mushrooms
Yesterday, we went to the Renaissance Festival with Brad, Laura, Brie, Christopher and Amy. We had fun. There were some weird and freaky people there. It was a little rough at first but the boys grew to like it. Noah was a brave one and rode rides more than Owen. But Owen came around. I hate rides myself so I can't expect them to. We saw dogs, jugglers, freaks, huge turkey bones and a man swallow a sword. The Renaissance period is far from my favorite part of history. There are limited shots since our camera is broke still and only works when it wants. We hope auntie Amy will hook us up with more shots. But fear not, a new one is on its way. We ordered it and it will be here Tuesday, Yippee!! Just in time for all the Holidays. So until next time we will say adios to our cannon power shot 750.

The mall


On Friday we went to the mall and met Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw Donald, shopped and went to the bike shop. They rode everything in Clark's. They made it their own race track.

Two Wild and Amazing kids

Our daily life in the wrestling ring
Here are a few snaps shots of the wild ones. Nothing like being 3 and driving the turd. HA!HA! Last week Noah got strep throat but thankfully Owen didn't-How & who knows and we don't care. Then 2 days later they got the4 H1N1 flu mist. Owen told the nurse he needed a band aid and she got them both one and Owen but it across his nose. He is a hoot.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween from our little Dinosaurs

Eating hamburgers and hot dogs in the turd

Owen AKA Triceratops

Noah AKA T-Rex

Scott and I looking like dorks

Can we say thrilled

What a rainy dreary yucky Halloween. We started early as in the morning. We went to my parents, uncle Buzzy's and uncle Ivey's house all before lunch. We didn't know what to expect to do with the rain. Then we went to Scott's parents. We didn't get to do our traditional Halloween with the Alfaro's and Watson's due to the rain. After we went to Scott's parents we went by a trunk or treat at Concordia Church and got a little bit of candy and some food. We didn't even have out buckets b/c we didn't know it would quit raining. But we made the best of all of it and had a wonderful time anyway. We got lots of candy and had a bit of a sugar rush and thankfully their hero Christopher came by and they burned off some energy and went to bed with ease.

Wilson's Creek

On Friday we took a family day trip to Wilson's creek. Scott and I used to go up there before the kids and now they are old enough to go with us so we said lets go. This is one of my favorite things to go and do. Well, we started out and we get to Hudson and it is starting to rain. Yuck but we continue on. That was the first bad sign. We get there and it is gorgeous as always even with the rain. We snap off the above pics and my most brillant hubbie decides to take a pic of the beautiful water and scenery and goes down the steps. The boys and I stay in the turd and he never comes back. I get out to look and listen. Nothing. A few minutes later here he comes with this awful look. The crazy thing fell on a rock, broke the camera, and got scrapes and a huge bruise/strawberry on his butt cheek. Bad sign #2. I laughed and he will never live it down. The kids fell asleep and we saw turkeys. One was solid white. Too bad the camera broke. So we hit 181 and go towards Blowing Rock since it is raining and we didn't get to explore. It becomes so foggy we can't see anything in front of us. We ended up going to the Mast General Store, a bike shop and shops on the Parkway. In the end we all had fun but it just wasn't what we thought the day would entail.

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