Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pics of the week

Here we are this morning when Scott got home from work playing in our closet. They re-decorated it for us. Aren't we lucky. They love getting in there and pulling out clothes for me or Scott to wear for the day or getting in our shoes or wearing our clothes.
Check out our new hair cuts. Looking rad.... Nothing like a fresh new do and being able to see those adorable eyes.

Just a little brotherly love at the Cannon's.

Crazy Owen showing off his new hair cut.

Noah knocked out on the couch.

Bowling at Pin Station

Future Bowlers of America



My main squeeze
Last week we took the kids bowling. What an adventure. I will say it was a success. There were some hairy moments when they were going into other lanes and trying to be muscle men and pick up all the heavy balls. But we completes all 10 frames, had a sprite slushie and some cheese stix without no major problems. It just puts into perspective that they are growing up on us so fast. We cherish every moment we have!!

Check out the scores. I was rather proud of all of us!! Note I had several spares thanks to the guards up on the lanes...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hot Rods


Nothing like looking at some classic cars on a Sunday afternoon and dreaming. We had fun yesterday looking at all the super cool cars. All of us were pumped up. One day we will get one. (With big fins and long) Scott said we need an 8 bay garage and 1600 sq ft and we would be set. We would have room for hot rods, bikes, 4 wheelers and dirt bikes and any other cool toys.





Noah, Owen and Peighton
Last week we had our first Vacation Bible School and it was AWESOME!! The boys had a blast. It made us so proud and warmed our hearts. The teachers said they did good so lets hope we can continue to do well in playing and learning with other kids. We would help feed them (lets be real, they didn't eat) and then they would go off to sing and learn all by their selves. (Or as they say all by self) They loved the bouncy houses and asked every day to go to church.. They got cool t-shirts and made us a picture frame with lasagna on it. We got us some new keepsakes. They loved the songs they learned. (This little light of mine and he lifts me up) I just eat this up!!

Happy 38th Birthday Daddy

My 3 favorite boys

Scott's cool cake

Party on party people

Scott had his b-day a few weeks ago. The highlight was the mtn bike video and skull shifter for the turd that Owen and Noah got. (I worked very hard on this special day). We had cake, gifts, sponge bob hats and party blowers. Owen and Noah love any reason to have cake and candles. Can't wait until the next party.. Owen and Noah's 3rd b-day.... They are making their list already.

In the Mornings....

If you happen to be cruisin by the Cannon crib around 7:00am or so you might see us out doing crazy things like this. They loved this new trick last week. We just laugh. I can say they are very creative. These junky cars have been the best cheap investment ever.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Price Park

Check us out in our underoos. That was the outfit of the day. Owen fell in a mud puddle the first 2 minutes and that was that.

The crew: Noah, Brie, Christopher and Owen

Maw-Maw Cannon

Auntie Amy and the boys
Last Monday we went to Price Park for Maw-Maw's surprise 60th b-day party.We had a ton of fun. We played in the water the entire time. Not shocking at all. The water was cold too. I think their high-light was when Christopher fell in the mud. They are still talking about it.

Mud Puddles

On your mark, Get set


And run back


Every time it rains we have to play in the puddles. We run as hard as we can. It is great summer fun. They will be devastated once winter comes. We had a little scare last week with a HORRIBLE thunder storm. Lets make a long story short... we were dumb and on the front porch waiting on the rain and storm to come to get the boys used to storms and the lightning got too close and we have been scared for life. Only us.... It all back fired!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Mr. Frog

We have a new friend....A frog. We play with it, terrorize it and put it all over each other. They are a hoot.


Just being goof balls in our new kick butt shoes!! Shoe fanatics.

A morning at Lake Hickory

Noah and with Paw-Paw's crickets. These kids love bugs. They do not get that from me at all. They aren't afraid of any bug which can be good and bad.


Owen swimming the the glistening lake

Noah having a ball. We were both surprised to how good they did since they hated the beach. This is just as cool and way closer and cheaper. We have a winner!!

Scott with the kids and Brie.

Me and cricket man.

Me and Owen
We had a great time at the lake 2 weeks ago. We partied hard with all of the Cannon Family. We ate, played, and enjoyed the day. We all got a tan. That is always good. We don't like the pasty look.

Our summer hair cut



2 weeks ago we got our summer hair do. (the shortest ever) Please notice we are big boys and stand in the chaor all by ourselves now. Well we loved it and it is already growing back out. We can see their beautiful eyes. It is still long/shaggy or we couldn't be cool. They LOVE to go get their hair cut at Tracey's. They had been asking to go see her. She's simply the BEST!!!

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