Friday, June 26, 2009

Father's Day June 21, 2009

Noah looking a little sad

Owen sporting Scott's new hat

We had a wonderful Father's day. It was Scott's first day off and we got him a stepping stone with each of their hand prints, a Mercer Mayer Dad book, a shirt and hat. I think Scott was proud of the homemade stone. I know I was. I put a lot of thought into it. We are lucky to have such a wonder Dad and Husband. He is our rock and foundation. To an amazing man!! We love you more and more each day!!

Surprise.. The pic of a lifetime

This is a treasure. Double Dookie!! Noah is the one smiling and Owen is the one deep in thought


Sleeping at 10am
Almost asleep
All last weekend we were sick. Not really sure what is was but they both ran a fever of 101-103 from Thursday to Sunday. It may have been rosieolla again. We are just glad the fever is gone. All they did was sleep and watch TV. I hate to see them feel so bad. Then Owen has had diarrhea for several days. He even pooped in the closet. That was the only BAD accident we had with it. Yes, some underoos were took out of the game but he today he only went once and it was back to normal. YIPPEE!! We hope to be 100% soon.

Chilling in out underoos washing Daddy's truck. AKA "The Turd"

Owen washing his clunker

Eating a Popsicle for breakfast one morning.

Noah holding his prize possession: a Big Beetle that Scott brought home from work

My cuties hanging out in the toy box

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Happenings of the week

Striking a pose

The not so highlight of the week is that Owen and Noah have to have surgery on their googles. We found out Tuesday the have meatal stenosis. (They have pee pee problems) In other words the whole is not big enough where the pee comes out. It goes everywhere and they could pee 5 ft back and still hit the target. They (Owen is the worst) spray the wall every time they go pee. It sucks cleaning it up but I hate it b/c it is so not their fault. So on July 7 we take them to Huntersville for Dr. Levy to do the 10 minute operation They are put to sleep and have Iv's. I am so dreading it but hopefully it will help all of us out and they won't remember much. I will keep everyone posted. So until then we keep on wiping up the bathroom. So if you ever see us in the yard with our pants down you will know why. We DO like to use the bathroom (#1 and #2) outside. And no we are not dogs. HA! HA!

Home Sweet Home

Back in our element. Playing in the yard and looking for bugs

Owen drinking a Kroger cola. That was one of our souvenirs from the beach.

Noah getting in the pool

Swimming at Casa Cannon
We got home from the beach Friday at 7:30 and they went straight to their bikes and we so happy It made my heart sing to see them back to normal.

The trip from Hell: Myrtle Beach June 4, 2009

Noah and Scott

Owen actually having fun

Noah hating the beach


After we get back to the room disaster struck at 9pm. They WOULD NOT go to bed. We tried everything. It was after 10:30 b/f they went to bed. They were up and down, crying, just out of their minds. It was the first time they hadn't slept in their cribs and boy did we know it. Noah started crying to go home. That broke my heart. They finally went to sleep Noah with me and Owen with Scott. None of us slept. We were worried they would fall out of the bed and they just were all over the beds kicking us. Man, that sucked. SO we go to breakfast and take them out to the beach. Noah LOSES IT!! He cried for an hour. Owen started enjoying it for a little bit and then he lost it. SO we re all in the room and they won't take a nap and just whine and cry So I said do you want to go home? Uh huh Not what we wanted to hear or do. SO they are ready and start loading up. We weren't physically at the beach for even 24 hours. So we check out and go home and the trip home was Horrible. They sleep for 1-2 hours. Then they cried and fussed the whole way home which took 6 1/2 hours. Just a complete nightmare. We had to pull over lots to go potty and one time I stepped in a hill of fire ants and got bit 3 times. Just pure hell. They were so not themselves. All we got out of the trip was to eat at Hamburger Joe's, 2 sea shells and 2 chairs. We got to downtown Conover and the light must have come on b/c they knew they were near home and a calm came over in the car. I guess we just got some homebodies for now. Yes, we will try again but it sure will be a while!! All we can do is look back and laugh.

Is this a hoot or what??

Eating some gummy centipedes at Barefoot Landing

Swinging on the porch at Hamburger Joe's. Our favorite restaurant in Myrtle Beach. Yummy!!

Scott and Noah at Hamburger Joe's

After we got our bellies full of hotdogs.

We got to the Beach around 3 or so and it rained on and off the whole way down. It was a great ride down. No pee or poo accidents. Just a lot of breaks. As in pulling off the side of the road and letting it loose. We went out to the pool and to the beach for a little while. It was drizzling but they seemed to enjoy it. We go in and get ready to eat and look around. We go to Hamburger Joe's and to Barefoot Landing and have a lot of fun.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Helping me make a dessert last weekend. We crushed up oreos and used ice cream scoops and a meat mallet to do it. Well you know we had to hit each other and Noah hit Owen with the meat mallet in the head. Nothing serious. So they wanted some more kitchen tools so Owen got the tongs and took them to the tub and pinched his private area. Only at the Cannon house. All while I am by myself. But we had a blast anyway.

Owen being buried in the sand by Jonathan (aka Sha-Sha) and Brandon. (one of our neighbors that they adore) Check out the cool tighty-whities. Making us proud parents.
We are off to the beach on Thursday so hopefully we will get some good photos to put up later.

Just Hanging Out

Scott's NEW helmet that Owen is sporting

Noah ready for motorcross (X-Games)

All we like to do is ride bikes. Especially using Dad's helmets. Which is a good thing. We have been working hard on potty training. This was their idea. So we are running with it. They LOVE to use the bathroom outside. It doesn't matter if it #1 or #2. It has truly made us laugh. All things considered it has gone well for training 2 wild boys at 2!!! We must give thanks to Wal-mart for the kick butt Dinosaur underoos!

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