Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ice Cream

We haven't been eating very well this week. Finally tonight they did better and we gave them their favorite treat: lactose free vanilla ice cream. Yummy in the tummy!!
They amaze us more each and every day. They can say anything now. Their vocabulary is growing leaps and bounds. We love it.
We have had a few incidents this week. Owen bit Noah on the finger and made it bleed and today in Wal-mart Noah slapped Owen. Wow what a life we have being peace keepers.
My birthday was this week and my favorite 2 gifts were them coming to work and bringing me roses and my mom book. I have been blessed with 2 great kids and a wonderful husband whom I love so very much.

Owen with his new coloring book. It has animals all in it and he doesn't like to share. We got them some new books to read and coloring books this week. The Yo-Gabba Gabba book and a dinosaur book were big hits.

Noah looking like a dunce

WWF at Maw-Maw Cannon's. We went there for mine and Laura's B-day this week.
Owen is crying Noah is on the ball and Christopher is jumping on them. That was the only day we got to go out and play b/c it has rained ever since.

Taking a walk thru the neighborhood last weekend. We picked some flowers.

Table dancers

This is us chillin on the table the other day reading our truck and tractor book. Not the best place to be reading but we wouldn't have it any other way. But we LOVE to read and we couldn't be happier.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hickory Park



Owen when we first got there.

Noah looking thrilled beyond belief....

I had to bribe them with ice cream to get this picture. Not too bad. We took them to the park and enjoyed the beautiful warm weather yesterday. Noah wasn't all that thrilled but I think it grew on him. We went to see some kids skate but there wasn't anyone there skating.

Here kitty kitty.... They are calling and trying to get the neighbors cat to come. Noah even said our neighbors name out of the blue.

Can you guess where we are?? Target. Last night we ate at Chilis, went to Kohl's and then ate ice cream at Target for $1.69. They are some vanilla ice cream eating monsters.

Ok.. We had to put on some pink shirts last SUnday b/f going to church. Between pink and Dora we might just lose our minds.

Owen taking a jump off our stacking cushions.

Doing some tricks...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


This is one of the few pics we are happy. This obviously was right when we first went out.

Noah speeding down the hill

Me and the goof balls with my cool snow gear. They get it off the hip because I am not a huge fan other than sledding.

Owen not having fun and ready to go inside

Noah on the ATV
Well we still are not fans of the snow. Noah is a bigger fan the Owen. I guess they don't like the cold and wet together. Noah cried to go out first thing. We held him off until 9am. We stayed out for about 30 minutes. We even got our big wheels out in it.
The whole weekend was cold and rainy. They were desperately needing some outside time but this wasn't the ticket. I guess they are going to be beach bums.

The Science Center



We had a blast at the Science center. We checked out the Swamp Thing exhibit again. We got to see the bobcat up close. They like to say alligator too now. He was walking on the big limb. Who knows we may have some future scientist on our hands. (Let be real.. Not likely especially if they get my genes on science)

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