Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Our little farmers

Can you say cutie pies or what? We even got out our hillbilly outfits for this one. These are the sunflowers that they helped us plant back in the spring. The overalls didn't stay on long b/c they both figured out how to slip them off. But we got a picture like we wanted. They are sunshine in our lives everyday!!!

Look what we found

On Monday we got the boys a sprinkler and let them play. They really had fun. We originally went out in our diapers but they only stayed on maybe 2 minutes and they took them off. Well Noah decided he would go over to the side where the downspout are and leave us a prize as you see above. We laughed and laughed. So we are taking this as a sign that they may be ready to start potty training soon.
Danger Danger. Why this came about who knows but this is a normal day for us. Owen ended up falling but he was ok.
Noah is practicing for potty training in our bathroom. He woke up before Owen the other day and had a blast in the bathroom.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Splashing in the rain

We got a little bit of rain this evening so I decided we would let them go out and play in some puddles. Well there weren't many but the ones near the road. I hated them being so close to the road but we kept them in line and they had a blast running up and down in the water. They touched 2 types of poop within 20 minutes. First Noah got into the bird doo-doo and then they both found some dog doo-doo in the yard. They both stomped it bare footed. Not cool but it is the Cannon way.

Duck, Duck, Goose

Future Farmers of America

On Monday we went to aunt MattieBelle's and uncle Buzzy's after we went to Grandma and Grandpa's house. We love to play w/ the ducks. Noah quacked and yelled like crazy to those ducks. We saw the billy goat but he wasn't cooperating so we didn't get a good picture. We fed the ducks some dog food and the goat some peanuts and corn. We also played on Grandpa's "tractor". Scott and Grandpa pushed them around in the yard. We don't think they are ready to have it cranked up yet.

Snapshots at 21 months

Biking in the house
Swimming and eating popcicles
Same day w/ a wardroobe change
Singing w/ our new shower head

So far we have had a great week. One minor issue is they like to get up at 6:00am or a few minutes after. Yucky!! I think they are trying to change their sleeping/napping schedule so we will just have to tough it out. We got a new shower head so it would be easier to wash their hair. At first they HATED it especially Noah but I worked with them and we pretended to call Daddy and sing in it and it worked. Thanks goodness. The other morning before I went to work we had to play in the tub and turn it on. They are nuts. (Benefit of waking up at 6.)

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Just though I would give everyone a glimpse of what goes on in a typical day at The Cannon's. You can be assured of a little wresting, fighting over something, a bite mark on Noah and s few tears to be shed.

On the hill


Here we are playing on our neighbors bank. We have figured out how to use both of our neighbors yards. Noah's new thing is riding his rock, roll and ride down the hill to our neighbors house. Lets hope he doesn't mind. That was what we were out doing this morning at 7:00am. The beginning of the week was a little trying. Noah especially was very ill. Nothing floated his boat so to speak. But as of yesterday we are back to our normal selves. Yippee. This past weekend we took them to aunt MattieBelles and they got to see and play with a goat, some ducks, and Bradley's dog. They had a blast. Too bad we forgot the camera again.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 4th of July

We had a great 4th of July full of cookouts with family and friends. On Friday we went to David and Kim's for the family cookout. We had a blast. We all were pooped by the time we got home. The boys weren't really into the pool but they loved the dogs and playhouse. Owen and Noah didn't eat a lot b/c there was way to much to do and play. We will keep practicing with the pool. They got to wear their ultra goofy swimmies. Not very boyish. But they love to wear them. We also went to our friend Leah and Mark's but we forgot the camera. Oops. We also got hair cuts this week. The Cannon men are so handsome now.

A Typical Cannon Morning

Here is a glimpse into the mornings at Casa Cannon. When Daddy comes home we go out and play in the driveway and even Daddy's truck. (AKA The Turd). We can even roll down the windows. We got some new cups this week. One has a truck and one has a tractor. They love tractors.

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