Saturday, June 28, 2008


Here we are at bed time. Don't we look ultra sleepy??? We have been looking at bike magazines in the bed. I wonder who they get that from? HUM...We have had a little bit of a struggle the past few nights at bedtime. Last night it was storming and poor Owen was scared to death. He would cry every time he heard the thunder go boom. We just kept going in and comforting him and rubbing on him. The last storm it was that way with Noah. It is mainly Owen fighting sleepy time. I think all he wants to do is play!!! We will get thru it. They still use their paci's when they sleep. We are going to try to work hard on losing them soon.

Gomer Pile

We had fum trying on Daddy's helmets this week. We tear up the garage every morning when daddy comes home from work. We will definitely need helmets once we get a big boys bike!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Catching Bugs

These crazy kids love bugs. Fear not they will pick one up. At least they haven't eaten one yet that we know of. Scott caught them a cricket and a lady bug to put in their new bug catchers. Then Scott lifted up the rail road tie and there was 2 black widows so we booked it inside and let Scott kill them. I hate bugs and creepy crawlies. Owen tried to kiss an ant tonight that Noah had stepped on. Too funny!!

Cool as a cucumber


Loved these pics. They love BIG sunglasses. IE: Mom and Dads.


We had a great 2nd Father's Day even though Da-Da had to go to work. He took Saturday off so we could have fun as a family. Scott is an awesome Dad and wonderful husband. We are so lucky to have him all to ourselves. We treasure every moment we have together. Owen and Noah love their Daddy and I love Scott with all my heart. He is loving, generous and kind man. The days he works they get up looking for him and we go out and wait for him in the driveway so we can greet him with hugs and kisses!!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Pool Time with popcicles
Noah at the park
Owen at the park
Picaso & Dali

We have had a wonderful week. These are a few pics of the last week or two. Scott had an extra day off so we all loved it. They bless us each and every day. We couldn't imagine our lives without them.

Corn on the cobb

These boys LOVE corn on the cobb!! It is a staple. We always get to see it several times and days later if ya know what I mean. It sure is fun to watch.

Ok..Who peed in the pool??

We had a great time the other week at Kristi Alex & Ivy's house. The boys loved baby beach. Nothing like pizza and swimming.

Now that's Italian


What a mess. They were stained for hours. 15 minutes to eat it and 45 minutes to clean it up. We are very proud of Owen and Noah this week. They finally ate out of a plate at El Paso of all places. They left a little mess but we were ecstatic. They are doing mucho better with table food and table time.

We're Back!!!!

After some computer problems we are back thanks to my cousin David our computer hero. Here are the crazos showing off their new sponsors: Bojangles & Mickey D's!!! They see a fast food bag or cup and they go nuts. They know exactly what is in it. They take after Daddy b/c they like their burgers with ketchup and mustard. Yucky!!

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