Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Owens first snip

Yesterday Owen got a few snips cut. Let's be real, most people will not be able to tell but we are gonna count it as his first anyway. He did excellent!!! Noah got a real haircut too. You can actually tell it. Now they look more alike. YIKES!!! They look like little men.

The Sandbox

On Sunday we got Owen and Noah a sandbox. Owen at first thought you were to throw out the sand but he is slowly getting the gist of it. They love to feel it on their feet. We need to go get them some toys. We had a crazy day after the zoo. Owen fell backwards onto the floor in his highchair at Harbor Inn but he survived. Just scared....People came running. Needless to say it was traumatizing. Lets hope it taught him a lesson. He and Noah both love to rock the chairs. Only our crazy kids!!!

The Zoo

On Saturday we went to Buffalo Beals in Maiden. It was a little on the white trashy side but overall they had fun. They didn't have the reaction we thought they would...... Right off the bat Owen cried when about 30 goats and sheep came up to the fence. They saw camels, monkeys, cows, and many more animals...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

What a week

This is our new favorite spot: The kitchen table. They think they are big boys now. We try real hard not to let them all the way on. They are learning.
Owen have some cheerios
Noah in deep thought about the cheerios
Mother's Day

We have had a good week overall. Mother's day was great. We had a relaxing day and just hung out till we went to a cook out. They were extra loving and cuddly that day. Owen has another ear issue. Imagine that!! So far the tubes are not on my good list. But we have some ear drops so lets hope that takes care of it. He is now able to tell us what hurts. So proud. We asked him what hurts and he would point and pull at his right ear. They amaze me each and every day. They sure are smart little boys. We have no clue to where that comes from. HA!! HA!!


We enjoyed blowing bubbles in the back yard the other day. They chased them around and then saw a dog so it was all over.....

Nerds R Us

They love to play with anybody's glasses. I have been wearing mine this week and so have they. They look so studious. They have sunglasses but they obviously aren't the same. They want mine.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Great Weekend

Having some juice b/f church.
Noah smelling the iris
Owen reving it up.
Noah flying in the driveway.
We had a great weekend. We did a little shopping and played outside a bunch. We got to order some new shoes after many trips and tries. Thank goodness it is over. We ate more table food. We are on the way to becoming big boys. We have munched on pizza, cookies, oodles of noodles, burgers, chicken and even steak. Yummy!!!!

Riding with Daddy

They took a spin with Daddy the other day. They loved it. We have let them check out a few bikes lately but they are a few inches short so we hope they grow taller and we can get them 2 exactly alike by their b-day.

Planting Flowers

We planted some sunflower seeds this week. We just hope they come up. We will see. We also played b-ball in the driveway. The weather has been so awesome. We have played outside a lot. I think they would stay outside forever if we let them.

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