Sunday, April 20, 2008

Grandma's Spaghetti

They chowed down tonight for supper. They loved the spaghetti that grandma made. Just like their mommy!!!

It is hard to believe that we turned 18 months this week. Time is flying by but we love each and every minute of it. We also got a cold and Owen had one of his tubes blocked but we are getting better with the antibiotics. We went to aunt MattieBelle's on Friday and got some flowers for the bank. We had fun looking at the fish, tractor and boat. We played on the swing as you see above. We also like to play in the hamper at home. Cheap entertainment.

Sunny Day

Just hanging out in the drive way with our rock, roll and rides. They are learning how to use them appropriately. They love to roll backwards.

The Banana Hammock in full bloom


Check us studs out. We let them play in their tighty whiteys the other morning. They didn't know what to think at first but they grew to like them. We made it without any accidents!!! Owen did do a funny thing today. He didn't want to take a nap at first so for entertainment he learned how to take off his diaper in the crib. We about died. I walked up to the door and it was just all hanging out. It will be one of our funniest and most treasured memories. They make us laugh so hard!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Noah on the duck
Owen climbing on a stump.
We have enjoyed the beautiful spring weather this week. We even got to break out some new shorts. Yee-ha!!! The less clothes the better. We stayed outside a lot. We blew bubbles in the back yard and got a few boo-boos too. We took then to get ice cream one evening and we let them play in the driveway with their wagon and only a diaper on and the cement got them both especially Noah. He has 2 big boo-boos and scrapes up and down his legs. Even one on his toe. But they were troopers. They hated the bath time that night.
We have had a fun week. We went to two different parks in one week. On Friday we took them to the park in Newton. Owen wasn't on his best behavior. He was picking up all kinds of yucky trash, going ever which way but the right way, and pushing another kids stroller but we survived and still had fun.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Owen having a blast in the swing. Yes, that is Noah behind him in the same swing. They still fit in there together.
Nothing like a little sugar at bath time. They are such sweethearts. Even though they bite and get rough with each other sometimes they always end the day on a good note. That's our boys!!

Conover Park

We had a beautiful first part of the week so we took advantage and went to the park. Owen picked up a worm. Noah was busy picking all the flowers in the grass. They had fun just roaming around.



Check out our cool new trick with Daddy. They love it when we take their mattress and use it as a trampoline so to speak. All 3 of the "boys" had fun with this. However I am sure it is not the safest trick and not very good for the mattress but we are dare-devils!!! Noah and Owen push the envelope everyday.

Chillin out

We got a beanbag this week. So far we only have one but we have a rain check to get another one once Target gets some more boyish colors in. They love it so far. They run and jump on it and occasionally lay and watch a little TV for a minute or so. It is very obvious these days we will need 2 of everything. One always wants what the other has. Owen has been in bite mode these past few days. Noah has taken the brunt of it. So lets all say a prayer that these the days will be over soon!!! In Owen's defense he is getting 2 new teeth. But he needs to sharpen them on a steak or anything else other than human flesh!!!

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