Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter Festivities

We had a wonderful Easter. We had 3 egg hunts! Yippee!! We went to our friend Mark and Leah's house ( hunted eggs w/ Ben and Ivy), went to grandma and grandpa's and maw-maw and paw-paws. We forgot the camera when we went to maw-maw Barbara's. They are pros now. We were shocked they knew what to do and did so well. The best part was when they had all the eggs in the bag they shook them up and they went everywhere. Only our kids. We ate a lot of great food at the grandparents houses too. They boys like ham just like their Mommy!!! But we got a runny nose after Easter too. Hopefully it is just allergies and we will get better asap. We have been enjoying the nice warm weather here. We love the spring time. We learned the other day what a birdie says: Tweet Tweet. That is my favorite. They love animals!!!

Tractor Kings

Noah and uncle Buzz
Boy did they love the big red tractor. Owen was a bit of a chicken and would not let Buzz take him on a ride. Noah did. We were proud of them. Hopefully by summer they will be ready plow the garden and do some work.

Ladies Men

We are truely ladies men when we are eating cheese puffs. Owen especially loves them. What a healthy snack. HA! HA!

Saturday, March 15, 2008


We are finally back after our computer got a virus. It is good to be back in action. We buried the boys in their cribs the other day while we were doing laundry. They had a blast. All has been well at our house the past few weeks. They are growing like weeds. We have gotten to go out almost everyday and walk. I am glad we have longer days. The boys had a little trouble adjusting to the new time at first but I think we are back on track. It is so hard to believe they will be 17 months tomorrow. Time sure flies when you are having fun.


Are we cool or what in our diapers and chillin with our birdies. Maw-Maw barbara informed us that they are actually dog toys. OOPS!! But who cares they love them and they make the coolest bird sounds.

Anybody Hungry?

Here we are raiding the frige. We have become very good eaters. Still eating the baby food but adding more table foods daily. Our favorite is sweet tea!! Just like Mommy!!!