Monday, February 25, 2008


This is the best shot I could get. I tried for at least 15 minutes to get a good shot but every time one of the would let the balloon go. They had a blast with them. Thanks to Firebonz we had a fun trip home yesterday. I chased those silly balloons everywhere. So when Daddy got up we went outside and let them go. They had fun watching them go into the sky. We have had a crazy week. Saturday Noah got 3 stitches from getting into the trash and cutting his finger on a can of corn, Friday Owen got tubes, and today we got 3 shots and Noah's stitches out. Whew what a time. I know the doctors and insurance just love us. We are pumping the economy. HA!! HA!! But we are all on the mend and doing better. Ears and fingers are good now. Lets just say a prayer that the shots continue to go well. Noah and Owen are both troopers. They make me and Scott so proud b/c they are such strong little men. They have gone thru a lot and are resilient. Our love for them goes stronger every single day. They are amazing and a true blessing. We have been blessed with a wonderful life with two bundles of joy!!!!
Noah and Scott were playing ball in the crib on Friday. Noah is learning to catch the ball in brothers crib. Owen has been a beaver and gnarled all over it.


Who could say no to this. They were playing the other day in their room by taking all the diapers out of the drawer. They tear up our house each and every day but that is what we love. We wouldn't have it any other way.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Sweeties

We had a good V-Day. The boys liked their talking dogs. They were a big hit. They even tasted some chocolate that Scott got me. They are our kids.

Valentines Day Massacre

Step 1: giving them the Heart shaped red velvet cake
Step 2: Noah testing the waters
Step 3: Owen testing the waters
Step 4: Messy Messsy!! Looks like a bloody mess. It was.
Final Step: Sheer terror.
They had more fun playing than actually eating it. However Owen has ate every thing in site today. He ate so much supper he puked up red velvet cake and juice. Too funny. Noah pooped in the tub today in case anyone was wondering. Today was the best V-day with our little Romeo's.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


We have got 2 little vacuumers on ou hands. They love the vacuum. I think they would prefer to ride on it as opposed to cleaning. They clean in the partially nude. They like having the least amount of clothes on as possible. Lets hope that they will like to help clean as they get older b/c mommy hates it!!!

Noah's First Hair cut

Well, we took Noah to get his first hair cut on Monday. I was a little teary but it went well. It was actually 2-3 springs cut out of his eyes but he went to the beauty shop anyway. Tracey did a good job. He liked the fish smock. He wasn't about to sit in the chair alone so Daddy stepped in. He is turning into a little man. Owen's hair isn't as long as Noah's so he's got a while.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

We have had a crazy week. We went for our 15 month check-up and shots and found out they both have ear infections AGAIN!! It looks like Noah will be getting tubes too in the long run. Other than that it has been good. We got to play outside in the nice warm weather.

Super Bowl

We had a great Super Bowl party with our friends Ivy and Ben and their parents. Here are the three boys already in a girls room.
Here are the boys with Ivy and Ben's mom Leah hanging out and digging thru Ivy's toys. They are mess makers!!!

Here is Lover Boy Owen trying to get a little play. He planted her a big open mouth kiss. Don't be mad Alex!!!
This is Ivy and her mom Kristi telling her how nasty boys are. HA!! HA!!

Dare Devils

Here is a picture of their new trick on the rock, roll, and ride. Sometimes they will let go and have no hands on the bars. They are such typical boys. They must get their tricks from their daddy.
They are just chillin in their camo outfits and holding onto their DVD's. Their favorite one is Baby Noah with all the animals.

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