Thursday, January 24, 2008

Shoe Fetish

Owen (with the juice stain)is modeling my shoe and Noah is below with an action shot with my shoe. They have been modeling my shoes for the past 2 days. Owen has it nailed. Noah gets mad if he can't get it on or if he walks out of it. They had no hope with the shoe fetish b/c Scott & I are the same. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. We have had a good week. Owen has got 4 new molars all at one time. He has been biting and I hope that is why. SO he has 12 teeth and Noah Has 8. I think he has some coming in too.

Bread Head

Owen is eating breakfast. Can't ya tell. HA!! HA!! This was yesterday morning at the Cannon Casa. My toast has nothing on 4 Peas toast. They love theirs. They just pick at mine. I was turned around and next thing I saw was this piece of bread on his head. I couldn't resist the picture. It will be great blackmail later on.

1st Snow

Noah is happy at this point but boy did it go down hill from there. It was ok until they touched it. They hated it. The poor little fellas cried. I guess they didn't like it b/c it was cold and wet. Plus they aren't used to it. Better luck next time.
Here is Owen on the verge of a melt down. We stayed out a whole 5 minutes, They loved it from the inside. They would go from one window to the next. Too funny!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Hickory Dickory Dock

We had a great time at HDD for Christopher's 2ndB-day party. They loved the rides and ball pit. We will definitely be returning. We have had a great week. We got to play outside in the warm weather. Knock on wood we are in good health. 2008 so far has been good to us. We are even doing better on the table foods. We ate toast cereal, pizza and rice today. Yee-Ha!! Oh yeah, yesterday they ate some cheesecake and loved it.

Big Pimpin

So does everyone love our cool Carolina warm ups that auntie Amy got us for Christmas??? We look like we could play for Roy right now. We love to play ball.

Ever wonder why kids clothes are wrinkled

We are hanging out in the drawers. We both fit. That was after we took out half of the clothes in the drawer. They seem to love to do that every time we go in there and play. What ever makes them happy.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

New Years

What a unhealthy New Years. We made it thru Christmas with no sickness but the germs came knocking 3 days later. They both have RSV and ear infections. It has been a rough and tough week. I think we are finally on the mend. Thank goodness. We are even getting our appetites back. We lost weight for sure. Here are the boys helping daddy fix the chair and below they are watching a DVD. Looking kinda possessed from the sickness yesterday. Here's to a wonderful and healthy 2008.


Look at those teethers? Looks like a pumpkin.

Guess what we tried today???

We think chocolate is awesome. Of course it was dark chocolate but they liked it. We were getting worried b/c they didn't act like they liked it in cookies and other goodies.

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