Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sweetie Pies

Here we are chillin in mommy and Daddy's bed at 7am. Scott and I love when we are both off and the boys can come and hang out and drink their bottle in our bed. We watch cartoons. They love the Wiggles. Then we get up and play!! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. We have been doubled-blessed again this year. We are thankful for every day we have with them. We never knew how much love and joy they would bring us. Last year is a complete blurr. The boys ate turkey and ham a couple of times. We are trying hard to get them to eat "people food".

Bath Time

Here we are looking our finest. We are playing in the bath tub. I think that is their favorite time of the day/evening. We splash and aggravate each other while we are bathing.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Our babies are growing up so fast.


Today before Scott went to work we played outside in the beautiful weather. It was in the 70's so we partied in our t-shirts and shorts. In the first pic Owen is pushing Noah and then there is Noah and then Owen. They are such a joy in our life.


Just playing in the leaves and digging. We love the fall weather.

A Big Mess

Look at the mess. We have torn the closet up. All we do is attempt to clean up the mess and then they make a new one. They crack u sup everyday.


Here we are chillin on our school bus and airplane. We have had a cold this week w/ runny noses and coughing. Hopefully we are on the mend.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Camo dudes

We are hangin out in the laundry basket in our cool new camo pj's. We rode around in the basket while daddy was sleeping today. We had a great week. Daddy was off an extra day. Yee-ha!! It has gotten cold and the time has changed and now we will have to go strolling earlier in the day instead of the evening. Plus that means always wearing socks and shoes. Which they hate.


Here is a snapshot of our friends: Ben and Ivy. We are lucky to have met them in water aerobics.

Trick or Treat

We had a great Halloween!!! As you can see we were little devils which can sometimes be appropriate. HA!! HA!! We got to go trick or treating with Ben and Ivy. We had a ball. It was much better than last Halloween b/c that was when we came home from the hospital. My what a difference a year can make. We got a lot of candy but it was for mommy and daddy.

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