Thursday, August 23, 2007

Camo Cannon's

Here we are in our cool camo gear. We love plastic bags. It doesn't matter if it's a shopping bag or trash bag. Noah is on top and Owen is on the bottom. Its been so hot we have had to stay in a lot. However we did make it to the YMCA pool on Monday. They had a blast. We will try to take pics next time we go.


Who could resist this cutie pie?? Owen has a million dollar smile.

Frige Rats

We love to hang out in the frige. We are taking things out especially Daddy's gatorade. They boys are all over the place. I think they(especially Noah) will be walking soon. This week they have learned to flush the toilet and play with the toilet paper roll. The bathroom is now a danger zone.


This is Noah and his new crazy pose. Where this came from who knows. But he is our Noah!!

10 months

We tried to take our 10 month pics with the cool chalk board but it didn't go well. They are too active and keep messing with the board. They are a hoot these days. We are very blessed. We can't believe they will be 1 year in less than 2 months. Scary.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

We love to stand. All we do is stand up and sit down. They are climbing up on everything like the coffee table, the shelves and even the walls. They are such a hoot these days. We love them so much. They are such a blessing to us.

The Park

Here we are at the park in Blowing Rock. We had a blast. It was nice and cool then.


We love to get into the pantry. We have to be on our a game at all times these days. They are into everything. We are in for a treat times 2!!!!

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